學名:Hieraaetus fasciata
英名:Bonelli's Eagle
ID: Large raptor.Body length 70-73cm.Upperbody dark brown, head buff with dark streaking, face dark.Wingtips dark, wings and tail finely barred, wings broad, rounded and short,tail long.Adult tail pale with black terminal band, underwing coverts dark with pale leading edge.Breast pale with dark streaks.In flight white patch on mantle.Juvenile has dark trailing edge of wing, dark barring along greater wing coverts, and pale underwing coverts.Wings flat in flight.
BP: Eyes yellowing brown; bill grey, cere yellow; tarsi yellow.
SD: Vagrant.One individual recorded on 27 Sep, 2015 at Laotie Mountain was the first record for the nature reserve, which stayed for about 20 days.
HH: Frequents hills and mountains and even wetlands.Nests in big trees or cliffs.Wanders in open areas in non-breeding season.Feeds mainly on rodents, birds and reptiles.
白腹隼雕[攝影 劉濤]