◆ 張靜齋屈指一算:“銘旌是用周學(xué)臺(tái)的銜。墓志托魏朋友將就做一篇,卻是用誰的名?其余殯儀、桌席、執(zhí)事、吹打,以及雜用,飯食、破土、謝風(fēng)水之類,須三百多銀子。”(吳敬梓《儒林外史》第四回)
Mr.Chang reckoned on his fingers.On the funeral banner they could use Commissioner Chou's name.Wei Hao-ku could write the epitaph—but whose name should they use for it?Then there would be the cost of the funeral.Feasts,musicians and all the rest,with the food,payment to the grave-diggers and geomancer,would mount up to over three hundred taels of silver.
※the funeral banner:It was the custom to ask an eminent citizen to inscribe the long banner used during a funeral with the dead person's titles and achievements.
※geomancer:In the choice of a burial ground,great attention was paid to the lie of the land,the position of hills and water in the vicinity,and so forth;for these factors were believed to affect the fate of the descendants.(楊憲益、戴乃迭譯)
◆ 誰知他(晴雯)哥嫂見他一咽氣便回了進(jìn)去,希圖早些得幾兩發(fā)送例銀。王夫人聞知,便命賞了十兩燒埋銀子。又命:“即刻送到外頭焚化了罷。女兒癆死的,斷不可留!”他哥嫂聽了這話,一面得銀,一面就雇了人來入殮,抬往城外化人場上去了。(曹雪芹《紅樓夢》第七十八回)
However,as soon as Qingwen died,her cousin and his wife had reported this in the hope of getting some money at once for funeral.Lady Wang on hearing this news gave them ten taels of silver and ordered them to have the body taken out of town immediately to be cremated,for as Qingwen had died of consumption it must not be kept in the vicinity.The cousin and his wife took the money,then lost no time in having her body coffined and taken to the crematorium outside the city.(楊憲益、戴乃迭譯)
◆ 舉目看看,誰不是兒女?難道將來只有寶兄弟頂了你老人家上五臺(tái)山不成?那些梯己只留于他。(曹雪芹《紅樓夢》第二十二回)
Look,aren't all of us your children?Is Baoyu the only one who'll carry you as an immortal on his head to Mount Wutai,that you keep everything for him?(楊憲益、戴乃迭譯)
◆ 當(dāng)下,代儒料理喪事,各處去報(bào)喪。三日起經(jīng),七日發(fā)喪,寄靈于鐵檻寺,日后帶回原籍。當(dāng)下賈家眾人齊來吊問,榮國府賈赦贈(zèng)銀二十兩,賈政亦是二十兩,寧國府賈珍亦是二十兩,別者族中貧富不等,或三兩五兩,不可勝數(shù)。另有各同窗分資,也湊了二三十兩。(曹雪芹《紅樓夢》第十二回)
Jia Dairu lost no time in preparing for the funeral,notifying all concerned that sutras would be chanted in three days'time and the funeral would take place in seven.The coffin would be left in Iron Threshold Temple until it could be taken to their old home.
All the members of the clan came to offer condolences.Jia She and Jia Zheng of the Rong Mansion contributed twenty taels each towards the expenses,and Jia Zhen of the Ning Mansion did the same.Others gave three or five taels according to their means,while the families of Jia Rui's schoolmates collected another twenty or thirty taels.(楊憲益、戴乃迭譯)
◆ 鳳姐緩緩走入會(huì)芳園中登仙閣靈前,一見了棺材,那眼淚恰似斷線之珠,滾將下來。院中許多小廝垂手伺候燒紙。鳳姐吩咐得一聲:“供茶燒紙。”只聽一棒鑼鳴,諸樂齊奏,早有人端過一張大圈椅來,放在靈前,鳳姐坐了,放聲大哭。于是里外男女上下,見鳳姐出聲,都忙忙接聲嚎哭。一時(shí)賈珍尤氏遣人來勸,鳳姐方止住。(曹雪芹《紅樓夢》第十四回)
Xifeng walked slowly through the Garden of Concentrated Fragrance to the Pavilion of Attained Immortality where at the sight of the coffin her tears fell like pearls from a broken string.Pages were waiting respectfully in the court for the burning of the sacrificial paper and now she ordered this to be done and an offering of tea presented.After one beat on the going the music started.A large arm-chair had been set in front of the shrine and seating herself she gaveway to loud lamentations.At once all the others,both men and women,high and low,joined in,until Jia Zhen and Madam You sent to persuade her to restrain her grief.(楊憲益、戴乃迭譯)
◆ 堂客算來亦有十來頂大轎,三四十小轎,連家下大小轎車輛,不下百余十乘。連前面各色執(zhí)事、陳設(shè)、百耍,浩浩蕩蕩,一帶擺三四里遠(yuǎn)。
There were also over a dozen palanquins and thirty to forty sedan-chairs for lady guests.These together with the carriages and sedan-chairs of the Jia Family numbered well over a hundred.With the elaborate equipage in front and the performances given on the way,the procession extended a good three or four li.
Before long they reached stands with colored silk awnings by the roadside where music was played and sacrificial offerings had been set out by different families.The first four belonged to the houses of the Prince of Dongping,the Prince of Nan'an,the Prince fo Xining,and the Prince of Beijing.
The audience over,he changed into mourning clothes and came here by palanquin,preceded by sounding gongs and ceremonial umbrellas.He halted his palanquin at the stand and his officers ranged themselves on either side,forbidding soldiers and civilians to pass.(楊憲益、戴乃迭譯)
◆ 里面的堂客皆是鳳姐張羅接待,先從顯官誥命散起,也到晌午大錯(cuò)時(shí)方散盡了。只有幾個(gè)親戚是至近的,等做過三日安靈道場方去。(曹雪芹《紅樓夢》第十五回)
The ladies were entertained in the inner apartments by Xifeng.They,too,left in order of precedence,and by about two o'clock all had gone except a few close relatives who would remain for the three day's requiems for the dead.(楊憲益、戴乃迭譯)
◆ 一日,有小管家俞祿來回賈珍道:“前者所用棚桿孝布并請桿人青衣,共使銀一千兩,除給銀五百兩外,仍欠五百兩?!魈幹ьI(lǐng)甚多,所剩還要預(yù)備百日道場及廟中用度,此時(shí)竟不能發(fā)給?!?曹雪芹《紅樓夢》第六十四回)
One day the young steward Yu Lu came to report to Jia Zhen,“The funeral sheds,mourning clothes and blue uniforms for attendants and carriers cost a thousand taels in all,of which we've paid five hundred;so we're still five hundred short,...But since His Lordship's demise there have been all sorts of expenses,and the money on hand is being kept for the hundred days'masses and for use in the temple;so for the moment they can't issue me any.”(楊憲益、戴乃迭譯)
◆ 這里賈政悄悄的叫賈璉到身旁,向耳邊說了幾句話。賈璉輕輕的答應(yīng)出去了,便傳齊了現(xiàn)在家的一干家人說:“老太太的事待好出來了,你們快快分頭派人辦去。頭一件請出板來瞧瞧,好掛里子??斓礁魈帉⒏魅说囊路苛顺叽?,都開明了,便叫裁縫去做壽衣。那棚桿執(zhí)事都去講定。廚房不夠還該多派幾個(gè)人?!?曹雪芹《紅樓夢》第百零九回)
Jia Zheng quietly drew Jia Lian aside and whispered some instructions to which he assented softly.He then went out to summon all the stewards at home.
“The old lady's sinking fast,”he said.“You're to send at once to make the necessary preparations.First,get out the coffin and have it lined.Then get the measurements of the whole household and order tailors to makemourning for them.The funeral retinue must be arranged too,and more hands will be needed to help in the kitchen.”(楊憲益、戴乃迭譯)
◆ 賈赦不在家,賈政為長,寶玉、賈環(huán)、賈蘭是親孫,年紀(jì)又小,都應(yīng)守靈。(曹雪芹《紅樓夢》第百一十回)
In the absence of Jia She,Jia Zheng was the head of the house.Baoyu,Jia Huan and Jia Lan,as young descendants,had to keep watch by the coffin.(楊憲益、戴乃迭譯)
◆ 我雖是奴才丫頭,敢說什么,只是老太太疼二奶奶和我一場,臨死了還不叫風(fēng)光風(fēng)光!我想二奶奶是能辦大事的,故此我請二奶奶來求作個(gè)主。(曹雪芹《紅樓夢》第百一十回)
I'm only a slave,though,so what can I say?But the old lady was so good to us both,won't you do the thing handsomely?I know you're an able organizer,madam;that's why I asked you here to decide.(楊憲益、戴乃迭譯)
◆ 鳳姐紫漲了臉,正要回說,只聽外頭鼓樂一奏,是燒黃昏紙的時(shí)候了,大家舉起哀來,又不得說。鳳姐原想回來再說,王夫人催他出去料理。(曹雪芹《紅樓夢》第百一十回)
Xifeng flushed crimson and was about to answer when music struck up outside—it was time for the dusk burning of sacrificial paper.As everyone had to mourn now she could say nothing;and later,when she came back to explain the real situation to them,Lady Wang urged her to go and see to things.(楊憲益、戴乃迭譯)
◆ 到二更多天遠(yuǎn)客去后,便預(yù)備辭靈。孝幕內(nèi)的女眷大家都哭了一陣。只見鴛鴦已哭的昏暈過去了,大家扶住捶鬧了一陣才醒過來。(曹雪芹《紅樓夢》第百一十一回)
After the second watch,when the guests living at a distance had left,they prepared to farewell the dead and the women behind the mourning curtain began to wail.Yuanyang wept so bitterly that she fainted away.They raised her up and massaged her till she came round.(楊憲益、戴乃迭譯)
◆ 剛走到二門上,見林之孝帶了人抬進(jìn)棺材來了,他只得也跟進(jìn)去幫著盛殮,假意哭嚎了幾聲。(曹雪芹《紅樓夢》第百十一回)
She had just reached the inner gate when Lin Zhixiao led in men carrying the coffin,obliging her to return to help lay out the corpse and make a pretence of wailing.(楊憲益、戴乃迭譯)
◆ 下葬那天,村人都站著看,孝子婆娘穿了拖地的麻衣,頭上纏了孝巾,一直遮過面頰,哭得長一聲短一聲的怬惶。就在這婆娘揭了孝巾稍向旁邊一瞥,瞥見了遠(yuǎn)處目瞪口呆的金狗,哭聲一住,立即又撕腸裂肚地嚎啕,低聲卻催抬棺人急步去了墓地。(賈平凹《浮躁》)
On the day of the funeral,the villagers looked on as the grieving womenfolk walked by,wailing bitterly,in full-length mourning clothes,their heads and faces covered by hempen hoods.When they moved to the side of the road and parted their hoods lightly,they saw Golden Dog standing off in the distance,his eyes staring blankly,his jaw hanging slack.After a momentary pause in the wailing,they really let loose,and under their breath they whispered to the pallbearers to hurry the coffin to the graveyard.(Goldblatt譯)