
        ? 首頁 ? 理論教育 ?++實(shí)例程序


        時(shí)間:2023-02-01 理論教育 版權(quán)反饋
        【摘要】:以Microsoft Visual Studio為開發(fā)工具,基于Open GL圖形庫開發(fā)三維可視化的地學(xué)信息系統(tǒng)是比較快捷的方式。以下通過Microsoft Visual C++2010建立基于Open GL圖形庫的單文檔應(yīng)用程序框架為例,實(shí)現(xiàn)了一個(gè)簡(jiǎn)單的三維可視化系統(tǒng)。2.通過Class Wizard給視圖類添加成員變量及成員函數(shù),并增加WM_CREA-TE、WM_SIZE、WM_ERAZEBKGND、WM_KEYDOWN、WM_DESTROY等消息響應(yīng)函數(shù)Ex Open GLView.h的主要程序代碼內(nèi)容如下:class CEx Open GLView:public CView{……

        以Microsoft Visual Studio為開發(fā)工具,基于Open GL圖形庫開發(fā)三維可視化的地學(xué)信息系統(tǒng)是比較快捷的方式。以下通過Microsoft Visual C++2010建立基于Open GL圖形庫的單文檔應(yīng)用程序框架為例,實(shí)現(xiàn)了一個(gè)簡(jiǎn)單的三維可視化系統(tǒng)。

        1.使用MFCApp Wizard建立單文檔的應(yīng)用程序框架,并加入Open GL圖形庫

        用MFC App Wizard創(chuàng)建一個(gè)單文檔的MFC EXE項(xiàng)目,工程名稱假設(shè)為“Ex Open GL”, Application Type選擇“Single Document”,Project Style選擇“MFC Standard”。如圖7-4所示,在工程屬性設(shè)置中的“Additional Dependencies”中添加“opengl32.lib;glaux.lib;glu32. lib”等Open GL圖形庫。

        并在視圖類的Ex Open GLView.h中增加Open GL圖形庫的文件包含:

        #pragma once




        class CEx Open GLView:public CView




        2.通過Class Wizard給視圖類添加成員變量及成員函數(shù),并增加WM_CREA-TE、WM_SIZE、WM_ERAZEBKGND、WM_KEYDOWN、WM_DESTROY等消息響應(yīng)函數(shù)

        Ex Open GLView.h的主要程序代碼內(nèi)容如下:

        class CEx Open GLView:public CView


        圖7-4 應(yīng)用程序框架設(shè)置中添加Open GL圖形庫


        void initialize RC();//初始化Open GL Render Context

        void destroy RC();//刪除Open GL Render Context

        void display Scene();//渲染場(chǎng)景


        BYTE*glt Resource BMPBits(UINT n Resource,int*n Width,int*n Height);

        void load Texture Image();//導(dǎo)入紋理圖片


        CClient DC*m_p DC;//DC

        HGLRC m_RC;//Open GL RC


        double m_eye Position[3],m_eye Center[3],m_eye Updirection[3];

        int m_viewport[4];//視口參數(shù)(xloc,yloc,width,height)


        Ex Open GLView.cpp中的成員函數(shù)代碼主要如下:



        #define PI 3.1415926


        BYTE*CEx Open GLView::glt Resource BMPBits(UINT n Resource,int*n Width,int*n Height)

        HINSTANCE h Instance;//Instance Handle

        HANDLE h Bitmap;//Handle to bitmap resource

        BITMAPINFO bm Info;

        BYTE*p Data;

        //Find the bitmap resource

        h Instance=Get Module Handle(NULL);

        h Bitmap=Load Bitmap(h Instance,MAKEINTRESOURCE(n Resource));

        if(h Bitmap==NULL)

        return NULL;

        Get Object(h Bitmap,sizeof(BITMAPINFO),&bm Info);

        Delete Object(h Bitmap);

        h Bitmap=Load Resource(h Instance,

        Find Resource(h Instance,MAKEINTRESOURCE(n Resource),RT_BITMAP));

        if(h Bitmap==NULL)

        return NULL;

        p Data=(BYTE*)Lock Resource(h Bitmap);

        p Data+=sizeof(BITMAPINFO)1;

        *n Width=bm Info.bmi Header.bi Width;//bm.bm Width;

        *n Height=bm Info.bmi Header.bi Height;//bm.bm Height;

        return p Data;


        void CEx Open GLView::load Texture Image()

        BYTE*p Bytes;

        int n Width,n Height;

        p Bytes=glt Resource BMPBits(IDB_BITMAP_SHOW,&n Width,&n Height);


        gl Tex Parameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D,GL_TEXTURE_M(jìn)IN_FILTER,GL_LINEAR);

        gl Tex Parameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D,GL_TEXTURE_M(jìn)AG_FILTER,GL_LINEAR);

        gl Tex Parameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D,GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S,GL_REPEAT);

        gl Tex Parameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D,GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T,GL_REPEAT);

        gl Tex Image2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D,0,GL_RGB8,n Width,n Height,0,



        void CEx Open GLView::initialize RC()

        HDC hdc=m_p DC >Get Safe Hdc();



        sizeof(PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR), //pfd結(jié)構(gòu)的大小

        1, //版本號(hào)

        PFD_DRAW_TO_WINDOW| //支持在窗口中繪圖

        PFD_SUPPORT_OPENGL| //支持Open GL

        PFD_DOUBLEBUFFER, //雙緩存模式

        PFD_TYPE_RGBA, //RGBA顏色模式

        24, //24位顏色深度

        0,0,0,0,0,0, //忽略顏色位

        0, //沒有非透明度緩存

        0, //忽略Alpha偏移位

        0, //無累加緩存

        0,0,0,0, //忽略累加位

        32, //32位深度緩存

        0, //無模板緩存

        0, //無輔助緩存

        PFD_M(jìn)AIN_PLANE, //主層

        0, //保留

        0,0,0 //忽略層,可見性和損毀掩模


        int pixelformat=::Choose Pixel Format(hdc,&pfd);//選擇像素格式

        BOOL rt=Set Pixel Format(hdc,pixelformat,&pfd);

        m_RC=wgl Create Context(hdc);//創(chuàng)建RC

        wgl Make Current(hdc,m_RC);//關(guān)聯(lián)DC與RC


        void CEx Open GLView::destroy RC()

        wgl Make Current(NULL,NULL);


        wgl Delete Context(m_RC);



        void CEx Open GLView::display Scene()

        gl Clear Color(1.0f,1.0f,1.0f,1.0f);//背景為白色


        gl Draw Buffer(GL_BACK);

        gl Enable(GL_COLOR_M(jìn)ATERIAL);

        gl Enable(GL_DITHER);

        gl Shade Model(GL_SMOOTH);

        gl Enable(GL_DEPTH_TEST);//深度測(cè)試

        gl Front Face(GL_CW);

        gl Polygon Mode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK,GL_FILL);

        gl Viewport(m_viewport[0],m_viewport[1],m_viewport[2],m_viewport[3]);

        gl Matrix Mode(GL_PROJECTION);

        gl Load Identity();

        int w=m_viewport[2],h=m_viewport[3];

        if(w==0) w=1;

        if(h==0) h=1;

        glu Perspective(45.0,(double)w/(double)h,0.01,1000.0);

        gl Matrix Mode(GL_M(jìn)ODELVIEW);

        gl Load Identity();

        wgl Use Font Bitmaps(wgl Get Current DC(),0,256,1000);

        gl List Base(1000);

        gl Color3ub(255,0,0);

        gl Raster Pos3f(20.0f,35.0f,100.0f);//文字的三維位置

        char info[]="Three dimensional visualization by Open GL.";

        gl Call Lists(strlen(info),GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE,info);

        glu Look At(m_eye Position[0],m_eye Position[1],m_eye Position[2],

        m_eye Center[0],m_eye Center[1],m_eye Center[2],

        m_eye Updirection[0],m_eye Updirection[1],m_eye Updirection[2]);


        gl Push Matrix();//壓入堆棧

        gl Begin(GL_POLYGON);

        gl Color3ub(255,0,0);

        gl Vertex3d(1.0,1.0,1.0);

        gl Vertex3d(1.0, 1.0,1.0);

        gl Vertex3d(1.0, 1.0, 1.0);

        gl Vertex3d(1.0,1.0,1.0);

        gl End();

        gl Pop Matrix();//彈出堆棧


        gl Blend Func(GL_SRC_ALPHA,GL_ONE_M(jìn)INUS_SRC_ALPHA);

        gl Enable(GL_BLEND);

        gl Push Matrix();//壓入堆棧

        gl Color4ub(0,255,0,125);//最后一個(gè)分量alpha表示透明度

        gl Begin(GL_POLYGON);

        gl Vertex3d(1.0, 1.0,1.0);

        gl Vertex3d(1.0,1.0,1.0);

        gl Vertex3d(1.0,1.0, 1.0);

        gl Vertex3d(1.0, 1.0, 1.0);

        gl End();

        gl Pop Matrix();//彈出堆棧

        gl Disable(GL_BLEND);


        gl Enable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);

        gl Push Matrix();//壓入堆棧

        gl Begin(GL_POLYGON);

        gl Tex Coord2f(0.0,0.0);

        gl Vertex3d(2.0, 2.0,0.0);

        gl Tex Coord2f(1.0,0.0);

        gl Vertex3d(2.0,2.0,0.0);

        gl Tex Coord2f(1.0,1.0);

        gl Vertex3d(2.0,2.0, 0.0);

        gl Tex Coord2f(0.0,1.0);

        gl Vertex3d(2.0, 2.0, 0.0);

        gl End();

        gl Pop Matrix();//彈出堆棧

        gl Disable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);


        gl Push Matrix();//壓入堆棧

        gl Translatef(0.0,0.0,2.0);

        gl Rotatef(90.0,1.0,0.0,0.0);

        gl Color3ub(0,0,255);

        aux Solid Teapot(0.5);

        gl Pop Matrix();//彈出堆棧


        wgl Use Font Bitmaps(wgl Get Current DC(),0,256,1000);

        gl List Base(1000);

        gl Raster Pos3f(1.0f,1.0f,1.0f);//文字的三維位置

        gl Call Lists(34,GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE,"This is an example of Open GL text.");

        gl Flush();//執(zhí)行

        Swap Buffers(m_p DC >Get Safe Hdc());//把后臺(tái)的繪制交換到前臺(tái)顯示

        //CEx Open GLView消息處理程序

        int CEx Open GLView::On Create(LPCREATESTRUCT lp Create Struct)

        if(CView::On Create(lp Create Struct)==1)

        return 1;

        m_p DC=new CClient DC(this);

        if(!m_p DC)return 0;

        initialize RC();//初始化RC

        load Texture Image();//導(dǎo)入紋理圖片,以進(jìn)行紋理貼圖


        m_eye Position[0]=8.0, m_eye Position[1]=0.0, m_eye Position[2]=4.0;

        m_eye Center[0]=0.0, m_eye Center[1]=0.0, m_eye Center[2]=0.0;

        m_eye Updirection[0]=0.0,m_eye Updirection[1]=0.0,m_eye Updirection[2]=1.0;


        return 0;

        void CEx Open GLView::On Destroy()

        CView::On Destroy();

        destroy RC();//刪除RC

        if(m_p DC)delete m_p DC;

        BOOL CEx Open GLView::On Erase Bkgnd(CDC*p DC)

        return TRUE;

        void CEx Open GLView::On Size(UINT n Type,int cx,int cy)

        CView::On Size(n Type,cx,cy);


        //CEx Open GLView繪制

        void CEx Open GLView::On Draw(CDC*/*p DC*/)

        CEx Open GLDoc*p Doc=Get Document();

        ASSERT_VALID(p Doc);

        if(!p Doc)


        display Scene();//繪制三維場(chǎng)景

        void CEx Open GLView::On Key Down(UINT n Char,UINT n Rep Cnt,UINT n Flags)

        switch(n Char)

        case VK_LEFT://按下左箭頭,視圖向左旋轉(zhuǎn)10度

        double d Sin=sin(10.0*PI/180.0),d Cos=cos(10.0*PI/180.0);

        double d E[3]={(m_eye Position[0]m_eye Center[0]),

        (m_eye Position[1]m_eye Center[1]),

        (m_eye Position[2]m_eye Center[2])};

        m_eye Position[0]=m_eye Center[0]+(d E[0]*d Cos+d E[1]*d Sin);

        m_eye Position[1]=m_eye Center[1]+(d E[0]*d Sin+d E[1]*d Cos);



        case VK_RIGHT://按下右箭頭,視圖向右旋轉(zhuǎn)10度

        double d Sin=sin(10.0*PI/180.0),d Cos=cos(10.0*PI/180.0);

        double d E[3]={(m_eye Position[0]m_eye Center[0]),

        (m_eye Position[1]m_eye Center[1]),

        (m_eye Position[2]m_eye Center[2])};

        m_eye Position[0]=m_eye Center[0]+(d E[0]*d Cos+d E[1]*d Sin);

        m_eye Position[1]=m_eye Center[1]+(d E[0]*d Sin+d E[1]*d Cos);




        CView::On Key Down(n Char,n Rep Cnt,n Flags);

        其可視化效果如圖7-5所示。該例子演示了Open GL基本的幾何圖形、文字等繪制以及紋理貼圖、視圖旋轉(zhuǎn)操作等。

        圖7-5 基于Open GL的三維可視化圖形系統(tǒng)示例

