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        時間:2023-03-30 理論教育 版權(quán)反饋



        ◆ 賈政見他母親來了,又急又痛,連忙迎接出來,只見賈母扶著丫頭,喘吁吁的走來,賈政上前躬身陪笑道:“大暑熱天,母親有何生氣親自走來?有話只該叫了兒子進去吩咐?!辟Z母聽說,便止住步喘息一回,厲聲說道:“你原來是和我說話!我倒有話吩咐,只是可憐我一生沒養(yǎng)個好兒子。卻教我和誰說去!”賈政聽這話不象,忙跪下含淚說道:“為兒的教訓(xùn)兒子,也為的是光宗耀祖。母親這話,我做兒的如何禁得起?”



        Jia Zheng rose in dismay and distress to greet his mother,who entered on a maid's arm,gasping for breath.At once he stepped forward to bow respectfully.

        “Why should you vex yourself,mother,and come over on such a hot day? If you have any instructions,just send for your son.”

        The Lady Dowager halted to catch her breath.

        “Were you addressing me?”She demanded sternly.“Yes,I have some instructions.The pity is I've borne no filial son to whom I can speak.”

        Appalled by his rebuke,Jia Zheng fell on his knees,tears in his eyes.“If your son disciplines his son,it is for the honor of our ancestors,”he pleaded.“How can I bear your reproaches?”


        When Jia Zheng heard this he knocked his head on the floor.

        “What place is there for me on earth,mother,”he wailed,“if you reproach me like this?”

        The Lady Dowager smiled sarcastically.

        “You're making it clear that there's no place for me,and yet you start complaining.We are simply going away to save you trouble and leave you free to beat anyone you please.”

        She ordered attendants to pack up at once and make ready for the journey,while Jia Zheng kowtowed and earnestly begged her forgiveness.(楊憲益、戴乃迭譯)


        ◆ 賈珍父子星夜馳回……賈珍忙說了幾聲“妥當(dāng)”,加鞭便走,店也不投,連夜換馬飛馳。


        Jia Zhen and his son were speeding home post-haste...

        “Well done,well done!”

        They galloped on then,not stopping at any inns but changing horses at different post-houses as they sped back through the night.And upon reaching the capital they went straight to Iron Threshold Temple.It was then the fourth watch and the watch-men,hearing them,aroused everyone in the place.Jia Zhen alighted and with Jia Rong wailed aloud,both advancing on their knees from outside the gate to where the coffin was resting,kowtowing and lamenting all the way.They went on wailing till dawn,at which time their voices were hoarse.

        Madam You and the others all came to meet them.Then Jia Zhen and his son,having changed into mourning according to the rites,prostrated themselves before the coffin.However,since they had to business to attend to which they could not ignore,they had to curtail their mourning in order to issue instructions.(楊憲益、戴乃迭譯)



        ◆ 至李守中乘繼以來,便說“女子無才便有德”,故生了李氏時,便不十分令其讀書,只不過將些《女四書》、《烈女傳》、《賢媛集》等三四種書,使他認得幾個字,記得前朝這幾個賢女便罷了,卻只以紡績井臼為要,因取名為李紈,字宮裁。因此這李紈雖青春喪偶,居家處膏粱錦繡之中,竟如槁木死灰一般,一概無見無聞,惟知侍親養(yǎng)子,外則陪侍小姑等針黹誦讀而已。(曹雪芹《紅樓夢》第四回)

        When he became head of the family,however,in the belief that“an unaccomplished woman is a virtuous woman,”instead of making his daughter study hard,he simply had her taught enough to read a few books such as Four Books for Girls,Biographies of Martyred Women,and Lives of Exemplary Ladies so that she might remember the deeds of worthy women of earlier dynasties while devoting her main attention to weaving and household tasks.That was why he gave her the name Li Wan and the courtesy name Gongcai(Palace Seamstress).

        So this young widow living in the lap of luxury was so better off than withered wood or cold ashes,taking no interest in the outside world.Apart from waiting on her elders and looking after her son,all she did was to accompany the girls at their embroidery or reading.(楊憲益、戴乃迭譯)




        ◆ 子興道:“不然。只因現(xiàn)今大小姐是正月初一日所生,故名元春,余者方從了‘春’字,上一輩的,卻也是從弟兄而來的?,F(xiàn)有對證:目今你貴東家林公之夫人,即榮府中赦、政二公之胞妹,在家時名喚賈敏。不信時,你回去細訪可知?!?曹雪芹《紅樓夢》第二回)

        “You don't understand,”said Zixing.“They named the eldest girl Yuanchun because she was born on New Year's Day,and so the others have‘chun’in their names too.But all the girls of the last generation had names like those of boys.For proof,look at the wife of your respected employer Mr.Lin,the sister of Jia She and Jia Zheng in the Rong Mansion.Her name,before she married,was Jia Min.If you don't believe me,check up when you go back.”(楊憲益、戴乃迭譯)

        *Yuanchun:Cardinal Spring.

        *Min has the same radical as She and Zheng.



        ◆ 寶玉笑道:“你倒比先越發(fā)出息了,倒像我的兒子?!辟Z璉笑道:“好不害臊!人家比你大四五歲呢,就替你作兒子了?”寶玉笑道:“你今年十幾歲了?”賈蕓道:“十八歲?!?/p>


        “You've grown very handsome since I saw you last.”Baoyu grinned.“You could almost be my son.”

        “For shame!”Jia Lian chortled.“Your son?He's four or five years older than you.”

        Baoyu smiled.

        “What age are you?”


        Jia Yun had all his wits about him.He seized this chance to add:“As the proverb says,‘A grandfather in the cradle may have a grandson who leans on a stick.’I may be older than you but‘The highest mountain can't shut out the sun.’”(楊憲益、戴乃迭譯)





        ◆ 鳳姐兒想一想,笑道:“一家子也是過正月節(jié),合家賞燈吃酒,真真的熱鬧非凡。祖婆婆、太婆婆、媳婦、孫子媳婦、重孫媳婦、親孫子媳婦、侄孫子、重孫子、灰孫子、滴滴搭搭的孫子、孫女兒、外孫女兒、姨表孫女兒、姑表孫女兒……噯喲喲!真好熱鬧!……”(曹雪芹《紅樓夢》第五十四回)

        Xifeng drained her cup and thought for a second.“In the middle of the first month,”she began,“during the Lantern Festival a family was having a fine lively time,enjoying lanterns and drinking together.There were the great-grandmother,grandmother,grand-mothers-in-law,daughters-in-law,grand-nephews and a pack of great-great-grandsons,as well as granddaughters and grand-nieces on the paternal and maternal sides,and grandnieces on the brothers'and sisters'sides...Aiya,it was really lively……”(楊憲益、戴乃迭譯)

        ◆ 天下真有這樣標(biāo)致的人物,我今兒才算見了!況且這通身的氣派,竟不像老祖宗的外孫女兒,竟是個嫡親的孫女,怨不得老祖宗天天口頭心頭一時不忘。只可憐我這妹妹這樣命苦,怎么姑媽偏就去世了!(曹雪芹《紅樓夢》第三回)

        This is the first time I've set eyes on such a ravishing beauty.Her whole air is so distinguished!She doesn't take after her father,son-in-law of our Old Ancestress,but looks more like a Jia.No wonder our Old Ancestress couldn't put you out her mind and was forever talking or thinking about you.But poor illfated little cousin,losing your mother so young!(楊憲益、戴乃迭譯)

        ◆ 她從貧苦的姑家,又轉(zhuǎn)到更貧苦的姨家。(蕭紅《王阿嫂的死》)

        She had lived for a while with some impoverished paternal relatives,then had been bundled off to some maternal relatives who were,if anything,even worse.(Howard Blatt譯)

        【注】漢語中“姑”指的是“我”父親的姐妹,“姨”則是“我”母親的姐妹?!肮脣尅焙汀耙虌尅痹谟⒄Z中都用aunt來表示,體現(xiàn)不出宗族概念,因而翻譯成“paternal relatives”和“maternal relatives”,有利于英語讀者了解中國文化,了解中國人的家族親屬間有嚴格的稱謂區(qū)別。在這種家族親屬稱謂中,父系重近,維系的久遠;母系輕遠,維系的時間相對較短。中國有句俗話,“姑表親,輩輩親,斷了骨頭連著筋”,而“姨娘親,不算親,死了姨娘斷了親”,反映了一種普遍的社會心理,折射出親屬稱謂的血緣因素的遠近所造成的親疏。如:

        ◆ 寶玉聽了,忙上來悄悄的說道:“你這么個明白人,難道連‘親不間疏,先不僭后’也不知道?我雖糊涂,卻明白這兩句話。頭一件,咱們是姑舅姊妹,寶姐姐是兩姨姊妹,論親戚,他比你疏。第二件,你先來,咱們兩個一桌吃,一床睡,長的這么大了,他是才來的,豈有個為他疏你的?”(曹雪芹《紅樓夢》第二十回)

        Baoyu stepped to her side and said softly,“Someone of your intelligenceshould know that distant relatives can't come between close ones,and new friends can't take the place of old.Dense as I am,I know that.Look,you're the daughter of my father's sister,while Baochai's a cousin on my mother's side—you're more closely related to me than she is.Besides,you came here first,we've eating at the same table,slept in the same bed and grown up together,while she has only recently arrived.How could I be less close to you because of her?”(楊憲益、戴乃迭譯)




        ◆ (寶玉)說著扳鞍上馬,眾小廝圍隨往賈赦這邊來。見了賈赦,不過是偶感風(fēng)寒,先述了賈母問的話,然后自己請了安。賈赦先站起來回了賈母話,次后便喚人來:“帶哥兒進去太太屋里坐著?!睂氂裢顺?,來至后面,進入上房。邢夫人見了他來,先倒站了起來,請過賈母安,寶玉方請安。邢夫人拉他上炕坐了,方問別人好,又命人倒茶來。一鐘茶未吃完,只見那賈琮來問寶玉好。(曹雪芹《紅樓夢》第二十四回)

        He(Baoyu)swung himself into the saddle then and his pages escorted him to Jia She's house,where he found that his uncle had nothing worse than a cold.Having delivered his grandmother's message he paid his own respects.Jia She stood up to reply to the Lady Dowager's inquiries after his hearth,then ordered a servant to take Baoyu to his wife.

        Baoyu went to the back,to Lady Xing's apartment,and when she had risen to convey her respects to his grandmother he bowed on his won account.She made him sit beside her on the kang and asked after the rest ofthe family.While they sipped the tea she had ordered,Jia Cong came in to greet Baoyu.(楊憲益、戴乃迭)



        ◆ 雨村拍案笑道:“怪道這女學(xué)生讀至凡書中有‘敏’字,皆念作‘密’字,每每如是;寫字遇著‘敏’字,又減一二筆,我心中就有些疑惑。今聽你說的,是為此無疑矣。”(曹雪芹《紅樓夢》第二回)

        Yucun pounded the table with a laugh.“No wonder my pupil always pronounces‘min’as‘mi’and writes it with one or two strokes missing.That puzzled me,but now you've explained the reason.”

        *one or two strokes missing:a parent's name was taboo and had to be used in an altered form.(楊憲益、戴乃迭譯)




        ◆ 雖然賈政訓(xùn)子有方,治家有法,一則族大人多,照管不到這些;二則現(xiàn)任族長乃是賈珍,彼乃寧府長孫,又現(xiàn)襲職,凡族中事,自有他掌管。(曹雪芹《紅樓夢》第四回)

        Although Jia Zheng was known for his fine method of schooling his sons and disciplining his household,the family was too large for him to see to everything.Moreover the head of the clan was Jia Zhen,who as the eldest grandson of the Duke of Ningguo had inherited the title and was responsible for all clan affairs.(楊憲益、戴乃迭譯)

        【注】“族長”是宗法制度下家族或宗族的頭人,通常由族中輩分較高、年紀較大的有權(quán)有勢的人擔(dān)任。(漢語雙語《現(xiàn)代漢語詞典》,2002: 2564)賈珍乃是賈家家族中長房長孫,又現(xiàn)襲職,掌管族中事務(wù)。假設(shè)族中子弟“今日會酒,明日觀花,甚至聚賭嫖娼”,賈珍不管,別人也會像賈珍那樣以“公私冗雜,且素性瀟灑,不以俗務(wù)為要”等種種借口而不聞不問的。


        ◆ 諸子弟有未入朝者,皆在寧府門前排班伺候,然后引入宗祠。且說寶琴是初次,一面細細留神打諒這宗祠,原來寧府西邊另一個院子,黑油柵欄內(nèi)五間大門,上懸一塊匾,寫著是“賈氏宗祠”四個字,旁書“衍圣公孔繼宗書”。兩旁有一副長聯(lián),寫道是:“肝腦涂地,兆姓賴保育之恩;功名貫天,百代仰蒸嘗之盛?!币嘌苁ス鶗?/p>



        On their return,they alighted from their chairs by the lobby of the Ning Mansion.All their younger kinsmen who had not gone to court had lined up to wait in front of the main gate,and now ushered them into the Ancestral Temple.

        Now as this was Xue Baoqin's first visit here,she took pains to observe the whole place carefully.The temple,a five-frame structure enclosed by a black palisade,stood in a separate courtyard to the west of the Ning Mansion.In large characters on the placard over the gate was the imposing fourcharacter inscription“Jia Family Ancestral Temple.”In small characters beside this she read“Written by Kong Jizong,Hereditary Duke Descended from Confucius.”The couplet flanking this read:

        The grateful recipients of Imperial Favor will gladly dash their brains out on the ground;

        Generations to come will make solemn sacrifice for deeds whose fame resounds to Heaven.

        This too had been written by the duke descended from Confucius.

        Entering this courtyard,the party proceeded along a way paved with white marble and bordered by green pines and cypresses to a terrace on which were displayed ancient bronze tripods and libation cups green with patina.Before the porch hung a placard gilded with the nine-dragon design,and the inscription“Stars Shine on the Assistant,”which had been written by the late Emperor himself.The couplet on either side,also in the Imperial calligraphy,read:

        Their achievements outshine the sun and moon,

        Their fame will extend to their posterity.

        The tablet over the entrance to the main hall was engraved with frolicking dragons,and bore the intagliated motto in blue:“Venerate the Departed,Continue Their Sacrifice.”The couplet flanking this,also written by the Emperor,read:

        Their descendants succeed to their good fortune and virtue;

        Ning and Rong live in the memory of the black-haired people.

        The hall itself,ablaze with candles and lamps,was so brilliant with silk hangings and embroidered curtains that the ancestral tablets,ranged in their places,were hard to make out distinctly.(楊憲益、戴乃迭譯)



        ◆ 原來這賈家之義學(xué),離此地不遠,不過一里之遙,原系始祖所立,恐族中子弟有貧窮不能請師者,即入此中學(xué)。凡族中有官爵之人,皆供給銀兩,按俸之多寡幫助,為學(xué)中之費。特共舉年高有德之人為塾師,專為訓(xùn)課子弟。(曹雪芹《紅樓夢》第九回)

        Now this Jia family school,which was only a li away,had been set up several generations earlier so that members of the clan who could not afford to engage a tutor would have somewhere to educate their sons.It was supported by those with official positions,who contributed according to the size of their stipends,and an elderly man of good reputation in the clan was elected to take charge of the boys'instruction.(楊憲益、戴乃迭譯)


        ◆ 寶玉不待說完,便答道:“正是呢,我們卻有個家塾。我因業(yè)師又回家去了,也現(xiàn)荒廢著呢?!袢栈厝ィ尾环A明,就往我們敝塾中來,我亦相伴,豈不是好事?”秦鐘笑道:“家父前日在家提起延師一事,也曾提起這里的義學(xué)倒好,原要來和這里的親翁商議引薦。因這里事忙,不便為這點小事來甛絮的?!?曹雪芹《紅樓夢》第七回)

        “Just what I think,”broke in Baoyu.“We have a school for members ofour clan who can't engage a tutor,and some other relatives attend it too.My tutor went home last year,so I'm a loose end myself for the time being....If,as you say,your worthy father is concerned over this,why not tell him about it when you go home today,and come and study in our school?I'll be your schoolfellow,and we can help each other.What could be better?”

        “The other day when my father brought up the question of a tutor he spoke highly of this free school here,”replied Qin Zhong eagerly.“He meant to come and talk it over with Lord Zhen,but didn't like to trouble him about such a trifle when everyone here is so busy.”(楊憲益、戴乃迭譯)

