◆ 是日早飯時候,萬中書到了秦中書家,只見門口一箭闊的青墻,中間縮著三號,卻是起花的大門樓。轎子沖著大門立定,只見大門里粉屏上,貼著紅紙朱標(biāo)的“內(nèi)閣中書”的封條,兩旁站著兩行雁翅的管家,管家脊背后,便是執(zhí)事上的帽架子。(吳敬梓《儒林外史》第四十九回)
By the time for the morning meal Wan reached Chin's house.In front ofthe gate was a dark wall,the length of a bowshot,with an alcove in the center.There was a large archway too,with ornamentation in relief.As his chair stopped at the gate,he saw pasted on the whitewashed screen a red paper inscribed in vermilion:“The Secretary of the Imperial Patent Office.”O(jiān)n either side stood a smart row of stewards,and behind them were hat-stands bearing official announcement.(楊憲益、戴乃迭譯)
◆ 自上了轎,進(jìn)入城中,從紗窗向外瞧了一瞧,其街市之繁華,人煙之阜盛,自與別處不同。又行了半日,忽見街北蹲著兩個大石獅子,三間獸頭大門,門前列坐著十來個華冠麗服之人。正門卻不開,只有東西兩角門有人出入。正門之上有一匾,匾上大書:“敕造寧國府”五個大字。黛玉想道:這必是外祖之長房了。想著,又往西行,不多遠(yuǎn),照樣也是三間大門,方是榮國府了。卻不進(jìn)正門,只進(jìn)了西邊角門。那轎夫抬進(jìn)去,走了一射之地,將轉(zhuǎn)彎時,便歇下退出去了。后面的婆子們已都下了轎,趕上前來。另換了四個衣帽周全十七八歲的小廝上來,復(fù)抬起轎子。眾婆子步下尾隨至一垂花門前落下。眾小廝退出,眾婆子上來打起轎簾,扶黛玉下轎。林黛玉扶著婆子的手,進(jìn)了垂花門,兩邊是抄手游廊,當(dāng)中是穿堂,當(dāng)?shù)胤胖粋€紫檀架子大理石的大插屏。轉(zhuǎn)過插屏,小小的三間廳,廳后就是后面的正房大院。正面五間上房,皆雕梁畫棟,兩邊穿山游廊廂房,掛著各色鸚鵡、畫眉等鳥雀。(曹雪芹《紅樓夢》第三回)
As she was carried into the city she peeped out through the gauze window of the chair at the bustle in the streets and the crowds of people,the like of which she had never seen before.
After what seemed a long time they came to a street with two huge stone lions crouching on the north side,flanking a great triple gate with beasthead knockers,in front of which ten or more men in smart livery were sitting.The central gate was shut,but people were passing in and out of the smaller side gates.On a board above the main gate was written in large characters: Ningguo Mansion Built at Imperial Command.
Daiyu realized that this must be where the elder branch of her grandmother's family lived.
A little further to the west they came to another imposing triple gate.This was the Rong Mansion.Instead of going through the main gate,they entered bythe smaller one on the west.The bearers carried the chair a bow-shot further,then set it down at a turning and withdrew.The maid-servants behind Daiyu had now alighted and were proceeding on foot.Three or four smartly dressed lads of seventeen or eighteen picked up the chair and,followed by the maids,carried it to a gate decorated with overhanging flowery patterns carved in wood.There the bearers withdrew,the maids raised the curtain of the chair,helped Daiyu out and supported her through the gate.
Inside,verandahs on both sides led to a three-roomed entrance hall in the middle of which stood a screen of marble in a red sandalwood frame.The hall gave access to the large court of the main building.In front were five rooms with carved beams and painted pillars,and on either side were rooms with covered passageways.Cages of brilliantly colored parrots,thrushes and other birds hung under the eaves of the verandahs.(楊憲益、戴乃迭譯)
◆ 說畢,往前一望,見白石崚嶒,或如猛獸,縱橫拱立,上面苔蘚成斑,藤蘿掩映,其中微露羊腸小徑。賈政道:“我們就從此小徑游去,回來由那一邊出去,方可遍覽?!?曹雪芹《紅樓夢》第十七回)
On the miniature mountain they saw rugged white rocks resembling monsters and beasts,some recumbent,some rampant,dappled with moss or hung about with creepers,a narrow zigzag path just discernible between them.
“We'll follow this path,”decided Jia Zheng.“Coming back we can findour way out at the other side.That should take us over whole grounds.”(楊憲益、戴乃迭譯)
◆ 街東是寧國府,街西是榮國府,二宅相連,竟將大半條街占了。大門前雖冷落無人,隔著圍墻一望,里面廳殿樓閣,也還都崢嶸軒峻;就是后一帶花園子里面樹木山石,也還都有蓊蔚洇潤之氣,那里像個衰敗之家?(曹雪芹《紅樓夢》第二回)
Practically the whole north side of the street is taken up by their houses,the Ning Mansion on the east and the Rong Mansion adjoining it on the west.True,there wasn't much coming and going outside their gates,but over the hall I caught glimpses of most imposing halls and pavilions,while the trees and rockeries of the gardens behind had a flourishing,opulent look.There was nothing to suggest a house in decline.(楊憲益、戴乃迭譯)
◆ 賈政因見兩邊俱是抄手游廊,便順著游廊步入。只見上面五間清廈連著卷棚,四面出廊,綠窗油壁,更比前幾處不同。(曹雪芹《紅樓夢》第十七回)
Covered corridors ran along both sides of this court and Jia Zheng led his party down one of these to a cool fivesection gallery with roofed verandahs on four sides,green windows and painted walls,more elegant than any they had yet seen.(楊憲益、戴乃迭譯)
◆ 一面走,一面說,倏而青山斜阻。轉(zhuǎn)過山懷中,隱隱露出一帶黃泥筑就矮墻,墻頭皆用稻莖掩護(hù)。有幾百株杏花,如噴火蒸霞一般。里面,數(shù)楹茅屋。外面卻是桑、榆、槿、柘,各色樹稚新條,隨其曲折,編就兩溜青籬。籬外山坡之下,有一土井,旁有桔槔轆轤之屬。下面分畦列畝,佳蔬菜花,漫然無際。(曹雪芹《紅樓夢》第十七回)
As they walked on talking,their eyes fell on some green hills barringtheir way.Skirting these they caught sight of brown adobe walls with paddystalk copings and hundreds of apricot-trees,their blossoms bright as spurting flames or sunlit clouds.Inside this enclosure stood several thatched cottages.Outside grew saplings of mulberry,elm,hibiscus and silkwormthorn trees,whose branches had been intertwined to form a double green hedge.Beyond this hedge,at the foot of the slope,was a rustic well complete with windlass and well-sweep.Below,neat plots of fine vegetables and rape-flowers stretched as far as eye could see.(楊憲益、戴乃迭譯)
◆ 一面引人出來,轉(zhuǎn)過山坡,穿花度柳,撫石過依泉,過了荼醿架,再入木香棚,越牡丹亭,度芍藥圃,入薔薇院,出芭蕉塢,盤旋曲折。忽聞水聲潺湲,瀉出石洞,上則蘿薜倒垂,下則落花浮蕩。(曹雪芹《紅樓夢》第十七回)
The path now curved around a slope,past flowers and willows,rocks and springs,a trellis of yellow roses,an arbour of white ones,a tree-peony pavilion,a white peony plot,a court of rambler roses and a band of plantains.Suddenly they heard the plash of a spring gushing from a cave overhung by vines,and saw fallen blossoms floating on the water below.(楊憲益、戴乃迭譯)
◆ 賈珍道:“從山上盤道亦可以進(jìn)去?!闭f畢,在前導(dǎo)引,大家攀藤撫樹過去。只見水上落花愈多,其水愈清,溶溶蕩蕩,曲折縈迂。池邊兩行垂柳,雜著桃杏,遮天蔽日,真無一些塵土。忽見柳陰中又露出一個折帶朱欄板橋來,度過橋去,諸路可通,便見一所清涼瓦舍,一色水磨磚墻,清瓦花堵。那大主山所分之脈,皆穿墻而過。(曹雪芹《紅樓夢》第十七回)
“We can make a detour by the path over the hills,”said Jia Zhen,and proceeded to lead the way.The others followed,clinging to creepers and trees as they clambered up.There were more fallen blossoms now on the stream,which appeared more translucent than ever as it swirled down its circuitous course.It was flanked by weeping willows and peach and apricot trees which screened the sun,and there was not a mote of dust in the air.
Presently,in the shade of the willows,they glimpsed an arched wooden bridge with scarlet railings.Once over this a choice of paths lay beforethem;but their attention was caught by an airy house of smooth brick with spotless tiles and an ornamental wall on one of the lesser slopes of the main hill.(楊憲益、戴乃迭譯)
◆ 因而步入門時,忽迎面突出插天的大玲瓏山石來,四面群繞各式石塊,竟把里面所有房屋悉皆遮住,而且一株花木也無。只見許多異草:或有牽藤的,或有引蔓的,或垂山巔,或穿石隙,甚至垂檐繞柱,縈砌盤階,或如翠帶飄飄,或如金繩盤屈,或?qū)嵢舻ど?,或花如金桂,味芬氣馥,非花香之可比?曹雪芹《紅樓夢》第十七回)
In place of trees and flowers there was a profusion of rare creepers,vines and trailers,which festooned the artificial mountains,grew through the rocks,hung from the eaves,twined round the pillars and carpeted the steps.Some seemed like floating green belts or golden bands;others had berries red as cinnabar and flowers like golden osmanthus which gave off a penetrating scent,unlike the scent of ordinary flowers.(楊憲益、戴乃迭譯)
◆ 說著,大家出來。行不多遠(yuǎn),則見崇閣巍峨,層樓高起,面面琳宮合抱,迢迢復(fù)道縈軒,青松拂檐,玉欄繞砌,金輝獸面,彩煥螭頭。賈政道:“這是正殿了,只是太富麗了些?!币幻嬲f,一面走,只見正面現(xiàn)出一座玉石牌坊來,上面龍蟠螭護(hù),玲瓏鑿就。(曹雪芹《紅樓夢》第十七回)
From there they went on some way until ahead of them loomed towering pavilions enclosed by magnificent buildings,all of them connected by winding passageways.Green pines brushed the eaves,white balustrades skirted the steps,the animal designs glittered like gold and the dragon-heads blazed with color.
“This must be the main reception palace,”observed Jia Zheng.“Its one fault is that it is too luxurious.”
They were now at the foot of a marble arch finely carved with rampant dragons and coiling serpents.(楊憲益、戴乃迭譯)
◆ 說著,引人出來,再一觀望,原來自進(jìn)門起,所行至此,才游了十之五六。又值人來回,有雨村處遣人回話。賈政笑道:“此數(shù)處不能游了。雖如此,到底從那一邊出去,縱不能細(xì)觀,也可稍覽?!闭f著,引客行來,至一大橋前,見水如晶簾一般奔入。原來這橋便是通外河之閘,引泉而入者。(曹雪芹《紅樓夢》第十七回)
They continued with the tour of inspection and had covered little more than half the grounds when a servant reported that someone had arrived with a message from Yu Cun.
“We can't see the rest of the places,”said Jia Zheng.“But by going out the other way we can at least get general idea,even if we don't see them all.”
He led the way to a large bridge above crystal curtain of cascading water.This was the sluice admitting water from outside.(楊憲益、戴乃迭譯)
◆ 于是一路行來,或清堂茅舍,或堆石為垣,或編花為牖,或山下得幽尼佛寺,或林中藏女道丹房,或長廊曲洞,或方廈圓亭,賈政皆不進(jìn)入。因說半日腿酸,未嘗歇息,忽又見前面又露出一所院落來。賈政笑道:“到此可要進(jìn)去歇息歇息了?!闭f著,一徑引人繞著碧桃花,穿過一層竹籬花障編就的月洞門,俄見粉墻環(huán)護(hù),綠柳周垂。賈政與眾人進(jìn)去,一入門,兩邊都是游廊相接。院中點襯幾塊山石,一邊種著數(shù)本芭蕉;那一邊乃是一顆西府海棠,其勢若傘,絲垂翠縷,葩吐丹砂。(曹雪芹《紅樓夢》第十七回)
On they went past quiet lodges and thatched huts,stone walls and pergolas of flowers,a temple secluded in the hills and a convent half hidden among the trees,long covered walks,meandering grottoes,square mansions and round kiosks,none of which they had time to enter.However,it was so long since their last rest that all were footsore and weary by the time they saw another lodge in front,and Jia Zheng said,“Here we must rest a little.”
He led the way in past some double-flowering peach in blossom andthrough a moon-gate made of bamboo over which climbed flowering plants.Whitewashed walls and green willows confronted them then.Along the walls ran covered corridors,and the rockery in the center of the courtyard was flanked on one side by plantains,on the other by a red multi-petalled crabapple tree,its branches trained in the shape of an umbrella,with green trailing tendrils and petals red as cinnabar.(楊憲益、戴乃迭譯)
◆ 原來賈政等走了進(jìn)來,未進(jìn)兩層,便都迷了舊路,左瞧也有門可通,右瞧又有窗暫隔,及到了跟前,又被一架書擋住。回頭再走,又有窗紗明透,門徑可行;及至門前,忽見迎面也進(jìn)來了一群人,都與自己形相一樣,——卻是一架玻璃大鏡相照。及轉(zhuǎn)過鏡去,益發(fā)見門子多了。賈珍笑道:“老爺隨我來。從這門出去,便是后院,從后院出去,倒比先近了。”說著,又轉(zhuǎn)了兩層紗廚錦槅,果得一門出去,院中滿架薔薇、寶相。轉(zhuǎn)過花障,則見青溪前阻。眾人詫異:“這股水又是從何而來?”賈珍遙指道:“原從那閘起流至那洞口,從東北山坳里引到那村莊里,又開一道岔口,引到西南上,共總流到這里,仍舊合在一處,從那墻下出去?!北娙寺犃耍嫉溃骸吧衩钪畼O!”說著,忽見大山阻路。眾人都道:“迷了路了?!辟Z珍笑道“隨我來?!比栽谇皩?dǎo)引,眾人隨他,直由山腳邊忽一轉(zhuǎn),便是平坦寬闊大路?;砣淮箝T前見。(曹雪芹《紅樓夢》第十七回)
After passing two partitions Jia Zheng and his party lost their way.To their left they saw a door,to their right a window;but when they went forward their passage was blocked by a bookshelf.Turning back they glimpsed the way through another window;but on reaching the door they suddenly saw a party just like their own confronting them—they were looking at a big mirror.Passing round this they came to more doorways.
“Follow me,sir,”urged Jia Zhen with a smile.“Let me take you to the back courtyard and show you a short cut.”
He conducted them past two gauze screens out into a courtyard filled with rose trellises.Skirting round the fence,Baoyu saw a clear stream in front.
All exclaimed in astonishment,“Where does this water come from?”
Jia Zhen pointed to a spot in the distance.
“It flows from that lock we saw through the ravine,then from the northeast valley to the little farm,where some is diverted southwest.Here both streams converge to flow out underneath the wall.”
“Miraculous!”they marveled.
Now another hill barred their way and they no longer had any sense of direction;but Jia Zhen laughingly made them follow him,and as soon as they rounded the foot of the hill they found themselves on a smooth highway not far from the main entrance.(楊憲益、戴乃迭譯)
◆ 這里賈蕓隨著墜兒,逶迤來至怡紅院中。墜兒先進(jìn)去回明了,然后方領(lǐng)賈蕓進(jìn)去。賈蕓看時,只見院內(nèi)略略有幾點山石,種著芭蕉,那邊有兩只仙鶴在松樹下剔翎。一溜回廊上吊著各色籠子,各色仙禽異鳥。上面小小五間抱廈,一色雕鏤新鮮花樣隔扇,上面懸著一個匾額,四個大字,題道是“怡紅快綠”。(曹雪芹《紅樓夢》第二十六回)
Jia Yun followed Zhuier by winding paths to Happy Red Court.She went in first to announce him,then ushered him in.The young man had time to scrutinize the courtyard.There were a few scattered artificial rocks with plantains growing between,and two storks were preening their feathers under a pine.In the gallery surrounding the courtyard hung cages of every description containing all manner of rare exotic birds.The five-frame apartment before him had lattice-work carved with ingenious designs,while above its door hung a tablet inscribed with the words:Happy Red and Delightful Green.(楊憲益、戴乃迭譯)
◆ 原來這藕榭蓋在池中,四面有窗,左右有曲廊可通,亦是跨水接岸,后面又有曲折竹橋暗接。(曹雪芹《紅樓夢》第三十八回)
This pavilion,built in the middle of the lake,had windows on all four sides,twisting corridors on left and right leading to both shores and,behind,a winding bamboo bridge connecting it with the bank.(楊憲益、戴乃迭譯)
◆ 原來這蘆雪庵在傍山臨水河灘之上,一帶幾間,茅檐土壁,槿籬竹牖,推窗便可垂釣,四面都是蘆葦掩覆,一條去徑逶迤穿蘆度葦過去,便是藕香榭的竹橋了。(曹雪芹《紅樓夢》第四十九回)
This cottage was built on the bank of a stream by a hill.Its adoberooms with their thatched roofs and bamboo windows were surrounded by a wattle-fence,and it was possible to fish through the windows.All around grew clumps of reeds,through which a path meandered to the bamboo bridge of Lotus Fragrance Anchorage.(楊憲益、戴乃迭譯)
◆ 寶釵也無心撲了,剛欲回來,只聽滴翠亭里邊嘁嘁喳喳有人說話。原來這亭子四面是游廊,蓋在池中水上,向東是門,三面皆是雕鏤槅子糊著紙。(曹雪芹《紅樓夢》第二十七回)
She decided to give up the pursuit and go back.But just then she heard muffled voices from the pavilion.Now this pavilion,which stood out in the middle of the pool,was surrounded on four sides by covered corridors with balustrades and connected with the banks by zigzag bridges.It had papered latticed windows on all four sides.(楊憲益、戴乃迭譯)
◆ 王夫人等日日忙亂,直到十月將盡,幸皆全備:各處監(jiān)管都交清帳目;各處古董文玩,皆已陳設(shè)齊備;采辦鳥雀的,自仙鶴、孔雀以及鹿、兔、雞、鵝等類,悉已買全,交于園中各處像景飼養(yǎng)。(曹雪芹《紅樓夢》第十八回)
For Lady Wang and her helpers the days passed in a flurry of preparations until,towards the end of the tenth month,all was ready.The stewards had handed in their accounts;antiques and precious objects had been set out;the pleasure grounds were well-stocked with cranes,peacocks,deer,rabbits,chicken and geese to be reared in appropriate places.(楊憲益、戴乃迭譯)
◆ 至十五日五鼓,自賈母等有爵者,皆按品服大妝。園內(nèi)各處,帳舞蟠龍,簾飛彩鳳,金銀煥彩,珠寶爭輝,鼎焚百合之香,瓶插長春之蕊,靜悄無人咳嗽。(曹雪芹《紅樓夢》第十八回)
Before dawn the next day all those with official ranks from the Lady Dowager downwards put on full ceremonial dress.Everywhere in the Garden were hangings and screens brilliantly embroidered with dancing dragons and flying phoenixes;gold and silver glittered,pearls and precious stones shimmered; richly blended incense burnt in the bronze tripods,and fresh flowers filled the vases.Not a cough broke the solemn silence.(楊憲益、戴乃迭譯)
◆ 只見清流一帶,勢如游龍,兩邊石欄上,皆系水晶玻璃各色風(fēng)燈,點的如銀花雪浪,上面柳杏諸樹雖無花葉,然皆用通草綢綾依勢作成,粘于枝上的,每一株懸燈數(shù)盞;更兼池中荷花鳧鷺之屬,亦皆系螺蚌羽毛之類作就的。諸燈上下爭輝,真系玻璃世界,珠寶乾坤。船上亦系各種精致盆景諸燈,珠簾彩幕,桂楫蘭橈,自不必說。(曹雪芹《紅樓夢》第十八回)
As she(Yuanchun)alighted she saw before her a clear waterway winding like a dragon.From the marble balustrades on either bank lanterns of crystal and glass of every description shed a silvery light,clear as snow.The wintry boughs of the willows and apricot trees above them were festooned with artificial flowers and leaves made of rice-paper and silk,and from every tree hung lanterns.Lovely too on the water were the lotus flowers,duckweed and waterfowl made out of shells and feathers.Lanterns high and low seemed trying to outshine each other.It was truly a world of crystal and precious stones!The boats were magnificent too,with lanterns,rare miniature gardens,pearl portieres,embroidered curtains,rudders of cassia and oars of aromatic wood,which we need not describe in detail.(楊憲益、戴乃迭譯)
◆ 一時,舟臨內(nèi)岸,復(fù)棄舟上輿,便見琳宮綽約,桂殿巍峨。石牌坊上明顯“天仙寶鏡”四字,賈妃忙命換“省親別墅”四字。于是進(jìn)入行宮。但見庭燎燒空,香屑布地,火樹琪花,金窗玉檻。說不盡簾卷蝦須,毯鋪魚獺,鼎飄麝腦之香,屏列雉尾之扇。真是:金門玉戶神仙府,桂殿蘭宮妃子家。(曹雪芹《紅樓夢》第十八回)
Meanwhile the boat had reached the further shore and again Yuanchun mounted her palanquin.Before her now there towered the beautiful hall of an imposing palace.The marble archway in front of it bore the inscription:“Precious Realm for the Immortal.”At once she ordered this to be changed to“House of Reunion.”
As she entered this temporary palace,she saw torches in the courtyard flaring to the sky,powdered incense strewing the ground,flaming trees,jasper flowers,gilded windows and jade balustrades,to say nothing of screens as fine as the shrimp's antennae,carpets of otter-skin,musk burning in tripods,and fans made from pheasant plumage.Truly this was:
An abode with golden gates and jade doors fit for immortals,
Its cassia and orchid chambers a worthy for the Imperial Consort.(楊憲益、戴乃迭譯)
◆ 賈母少歇一回,自然領(lǐng)著劉姥姥都見識見識。先到了瀟湘館。一進(jìn)門,只見兩邊翠竹夾路,土地下蒼苔布滿,中間羊腸一條石子漫的路。(曹雪芹《紅樓夢》第四十回)
After a short rest the Lady Dowager started showing Granny Liu round,going first to Bamboo Lodge.Inside its gate,a narrow pebbled path flanked with bamboos met their gaze.The ground on either side of it was carpeted with dark moss.(楊憲益、戴乃迭譯)
◆ 四顧一望,皆是樹木山石樓臺房舍,卻不知那一處是往那里去的了,只得認(rèn)著一條石子鑲的路慢慢的走來。及至到了房舍跟前,又找不著門,再找了半日,忽見一帶竹籬,劉姥姥心中自忖道:“這里也有扁豆架子?!币幻嫦?,一面順著花障走了來,得了一個月洞門進(jìn)去。只見迎面忽有一帶水池,只有七八尺寬,石頭砌岸,里面碧瀏清水流往那邊去了,上面有一塊白石橫架在上面。劉姥姥便度石過去,順著石子甬路走去,轉(zhuǎn)了兩個彎子,只見有一扇門。(曹雪芹《紅樓夢》第四十一回)
She looked round.Trees,rocks,towers and pavilions stretched on every side,but having no idea how to reach these different places she could only hobble slowly down a cobbled path until she came to a building.After searching for a long time for the gate,she saw a bamboo fence.So they have beantrellises here too,she thought.Skirting the hedge,she reached a moon-gate and stepped through it.Before her was a pool five or six feet across,its banks pave with flagstone,a clear green brook flowing through it,and lying across it a long slab of white stone.She crossed over this stone to a cobbled path which,after a couple of bends,brought her to a door.(楊憲益、戴乃迭譯)
◆ 正想著,不多時到了一個所在。只見殿宇精致,彩色輝煌,庭中一叢翠竹,戶外數(shù)本蒼松。(曹雪芹《紅樓夢》第百十六回)
By now he reached a fine palace blazing with color,with a clump of bamboos in the courtyard,outside the door several pines.(楊憲益、戴乃迭譯)
◆ 請韋四太爺從廳后一個小巷內(nèi)曲曲折折走進(jìn)去,才到一個花園。那花園一進(jìn)朝東的三間。左邊一個樓便是殿元公的賜書樓。樓前一個大院落,一座牡丹臺,一座芍藥臺,兩樹極大的桂花正開的好。后面又是三間敞榭,橫頭朝南三間書房后,一個大荷花池,池上搭了一條橋。過去又是三間密屋,乃杜少卿自己讀書之處。(吳敬梓《儒林外史》第三十一回)
Presently he led Mr.Wei by a passage from the back along a winding path to the garden.As you went in you saw three rooms with an eastern exposure.A two-storeyed building on the left was the library built by the Number One Scholar,overlooking a large courtyard with one bed of moutan peonies and another of tree peonies.There were two huge cassia trees as well,in full bloom.On the other side were three summer houses,with a three-roomed library behind them overlooking a great lotus pool.A bridge across this pool led you to three secluded chambers where Tu Shao-wing used to retire to study.(楊憲益、戴乃迭譯)
◆ 便跟著丫頭,走到廳背后一個小圭門里進(jìn)去,三間楠木廳,一個大院落,堆滿了太湖石的山子。沿著那山石走到左邊一條小巷,串入一個花園內(nèi),竹樹交加,亭臺軒敞,一個極寬的金魚池,池子旁邊都是朱紅欄桿,夾著一帶走廊。走到廊盡頭處,一個小小月洞,四扇金漆門。走將進(jìn)去便是三間屋,一間做房,鋪設(shè)的齊齊整整。獨自一個院落。(吳敬梓《儒林外史》第四十回)
She followed the girl out of the hall through a scepter-shaped door to the left,past three rooms of nanmu wood,and a large courtyard filled with boulders from Taihu Lake.Taking a path to the left past these artificial mountains,they came to a garden.Here were chumps of bamboos,summerhouses,and a huge pond for goldfish surrounded by a covered walk with vermilion balustrades.At the far end of this were a small moon gate and a gilt-lacquered double door.Through this door,in a courtyard to itself,was a three-roomed building with a tastefully furnished living room.(楊憲益、戴乃迭譯)
◆ 賈蕓聽得是寶玉的聲音,連忙進(jìn)入房內(nèi)。抬頭一看,只見金碧輝煌,文章灼,卻看不見寶玉在那里。一回頭,只見左邊立著一架大穿衣鏡,從鏡后轉(zhuǎn)出兩個一般大的十五六歲的丫頭來說:“請二爺里頭屋里坐?!辟Z蕓連正眼也不敢看,連忙答應(yīng)了。又進(jìn)一道碧紗廚,只見小小一張?zhí)钇岽采希瑧抑蠹t銷金撒花帳子。寶玉穿著家常衣服,靸著鞋,倚在床上拿著本書。(曹雪芹《紅樓夢》第二十六回)
Recognizing Baoyu's voice Jia Yun hurried in.He was dazzled by the glittering gold and emerald and the elegance of all the furnishings,but could see no sign of Baoyu.Turning to the left he noticed a large mirror from behind which emerged two girls in their mid-teens,of about the same build and height,who invited him into the inner room.Assenting without venturing to look at them,he stepped into a chamber screened with green gauze.On a small inlaid lacquer bed there with red curtains embroidered in gold lay Baoyu,informally dressed,in his slippers.(楊憲益、戴乃迭譯)
◆ (劉姥姥)方一轉(zhuǎn)身只見有一小門,門上掛著蔥綠撒花軟簾。劉姥姥掀簾進(jìn)去,抬頭一看,只見四面墻壁玲瓏剔透,琴劍瓶爐皆貼在墻上,錦籠紗罩,金彩珠光,連地下踩的磚,皆是碧綠鑿花,竟越發(fā)把眼花了,找門出去,那里有門?左一書架,右一架屏。剛從屏后得了一門轉(zhuǎn)去,只見他親家母也從外面迎了進(jìn)來。(曹雪芹《紅樓夢》第四十一回)
With a nod and couple of sighs of admiration she moved on to a small door over which hung a soft flowered portiere.She lifted this,stepped through and looked around.
The four walls here were paneled with cunningly carved shelves on which were displayed pyres,swords,vases and incense-burners.They were hung moreover with embroidered curtains and gauze glittering with gold and pearls.Even the green glazed floor-tiles had floral designs.More dazzled than ever she turned to leave—but where was the door?To her left was a bookcase,to her right a screen.She had just discovered a door behind the screen and stepped forward to open it when,to her amazement,her son-in-law's mothercame in.(楊憲益、戴乃迭譯)
◆ 黛玉便知這方是正經(jīng)內(nèi)室,一條大甬路,直接出大門的。進(jìn)入堂屋中,抬頭迎面看見一個赤金九龍青地大匾,匾上寫著斗大的三個大字,是“榮禧堂”。后有一行小字:“某年月日,書賜榮國公賈源”,又有“萬幾宸翰之寶”。大紫檀雕螭案上,設(shè)著三尺來高青綠古銅鼎,懸著待漏隨朝墨龍大畫,一邊金蜼彝,一邊是玻璃。地上兩溜十六張楠木交椅,又有一副對聯(lián),乃烏木聯(lián)牌,鑲著鏨銀的字跡,道是:“座上珠璣昭日月,堂前黼黻煥煙霞?!?曹雪芹《紅樓夢》第三回)
Daiyu realized that this was the main inner suite,for a broad raised avenue led straight to its gate.Once inside the hall she looked up and her eye was caught by a great blue tablet with nine gold dragons on it,on which was written in characters large as peck measures:
Hall of Glorious Felicity.
Smaller characters at the end recorded the date on which the Emperor had conferred this tablet upon Jia Yuan,the Duke of Rongguo,and it bore the Imperial seal.
On the large red sandalwood table carved with dragons an old bronze tripod,green with patina,stood about three feet high.On the wall hung a large scroll-picture of black dragons riding the waves.This was flanked by a bronze wine vessel inlaid with gold and a crystal bowl.By the walls were a row of sixteen cedar-wood armchairs;and above these hung two panels of ebony with the following couplet inset in silver:
Pearls on the dais outshine the sun and moon;
Insignia of honour in the hall blaze like iridescent clouds.(楊憲益、戴乃迭譯)
◆ 原來王夫人時常居坐宴息,亦不在這正室,只在這正室東邊的三間耳房內(nèi)。于是老嬤嬤引黛玉進(jìn)東房門來。臨窗大炕上鋪著猩紅洋罽,正面設(shè)著大紅金錢蟒靠背,石青金錢蟒引枕,秋香色金錢蟒大條褥。兩邊設(shè)一對梅花式洋漆小幾。左邊幾上文王鼎匙箸香盒。右邊幾上汝窯美人觚,觚內(nèi)插著時鮮花卉,并茗碗痰盒等物。地下面西一溜四張椅上,都搭著銀紅撒花椅搭,底下四副腳踏。椅之兩邊,也有一對高幾,幾上茗碗瓶花俱備。其余陳設(shè),自不必細(xì)說。(曹雪芹《紅樓夢》第三回)
Since Lady Wang seldom sat in this main hall but used three rooms on the east side for relaxation,the nurses led Daiyu there.
The large kang by the window was covered with a scarlet foreign rug.In the middle were red back-rests and turquoise bolsters,both with dragondesign medallions,and a long greenish yellow mattress also with dragon medallions.At each side stood a low table of foreign lacquer in the shape of plum-blossom.In the left-hand table were a tripod,spoons,chopsticks and an incense container;on the right one,a slender-waisted porcelain vase from the Ruzhou Kiln containing flowers then in season,as well as tea-bowls and a spittoon.Below the kang facing the west wall were four armchairs,theirs covers of bright red dotted with pink flowers,and with four foot-stools beneath them.On either side were two tables set out with teacups and vases of flowers.The rest of the room need not be described in detail.(楊憲益、戴乃迭譯)
◆ 老嬤嬤聽了,于是又引黛玉出來,到了東廊三間小正房內(nèi)。正房炕上橫設(shè)一張炕桌,桌上磊著書籍茶具,靠東壁面西設(shè)著半舊的青緞靠背引枕。王夫人卻坐在西邊下首,亦是半舊的青緞靠背坐褥。見黛玉來了,便往東讓。(曹雪芹《紅樓夢》第三回)
At once the nurses conducted Daiyu along the eastern corridor to a small three-roomed suite facing south.On the kang under the window was a low table laden with books and a tea-service.Against the east wall were a none too new blue satin back-rest and a bolster.
Lady Wang was sitting in the lower place by the west wall on a none too new blue cover with a back-rest and a bolster.She invited her niece to take the seat on the east.(楊憲益、戴乃迭譯)
◆ 當(dāng)下秦氏引了一簇人來至上房內(nèi)間。寶玉抬頭看見一副畫貼在上面,畫的人物固好,其故事乃是《燃藜圖》。也不看系何人所畫,心中便有些不快。又有一幅對聯(lián),寫的是:“世事洞明皆學(xué)問,人情練達(dá)即文章?!?曹雪芹《紅樓夢》第五回)
Keqing led the party to an inner room,where Baoyu noticed a finepainting of“The Scholar Working by Torchlight.”Without even seeing who the artist was,he took a dislike to the picture.Then he read the couplet flanking it:
A grasp of mundane affairs is genuine knowledge,
Understanding of worldly wisdom is true learning.(楊憲益、戴乃迭譯)
◆ 剛至房門,便有一股細(xì)細(xì)的甜香襲人而來。寶玉覺得眼餳骨軟,連說“好香!”入房向壁上看時,有唐伯虎畫的《海棠春睡圖》,兩邊有宋學(xué)士秦太虛寫的一副對聯(lián),其聯(lián)云:“嫩寒鎖夢因春冷,芳?xì)庖u人是酒香?!?/p>
Now,having reached the young matron's room,they were met at the threshold by a subtle perfume which misted over Baoyu's eyes and melted his bones.
“How good it smells here!”he cried.
Entering,he saw on the wall a picture by Tang Yin of a lady sleeping under the blossom of a crab-apple tree in spring.On the two scrolls flanking it,Qin Guan the Song scholar had written:
Coolness wraps her dream,for spring is chill;
A fragrance assails men,the aroma of wine.
On the dressing-table was a rare mirror from Wu Zetian's Hall of Mirrors.In the gold tray by it,on which Zhao Feiyan once danced,was the quince thrown in fun by An Lushan at Lady Yang,which had wounded her breast.At one end of the room stood the couch on which Princess Shouyang had slept in the Hanzhang Palace,and over it hung the curtains stung from pearls by Princess Tongchang.(楊憲益、戴乃迭譯)
*Wu Zetian:A Tang empress.
*Zhao Feiyan:A Han emperor's favorite,a light dancer,hence her name“Feiyan”,meaning“Flying Swallow.”
*Lady Yang:favorite of the Tang Emperor Minghuang.
*Princess Shouyang The beautiful daughter of Emperor Wu of the Song Kingdom(420-479),the Northern and Southern Dynasties.
*Princess Tongchang:A Tang princess.
◆ (寶玉聽了,點頭稱賞。)因看房內(nèi),瑤琴、寶鼎、古畫、新詩,無所不有;更喜窗下亦有唾絨,奩間時漬粉污。壁上也見懸著一副對聯(lián),書云:“幽微靈秀地,無可奈何天?!?曹雪芹《紅樓夢》第五回)
Nodding in appreciation Baoyu looked round him.He saw jasper lutes,rare bronze tripods,ancient paintings,new volumes of verse—nothing was lacking.But what delighted him most was the rouge by the window and the spilt powder left from a lady's toilet.On the wall hung this couplet:
Spiritual,secluded retreat,
Celestial world of sweet longing.(楊憲益、戴乃迭譯)
◆ 劉姥姥會意,于是帶了板兒下炕,至堂屋中,周瑞家的又和她唧咕了一會,方過這邊屋里來。只見門外鏨銅鉤上懸著大紅撒花軟簾,南窗下是炕,炕上大紅氈條,靠東邊板壁立著一個鎖子錦靠背與一個引枕,鋪著金心綠閃緞大坐褥,旁邊有雕漆痰盒。(曹雪芹《紅樓夢》第六回)
Granny Liu at once lifted her grandson off the kang and led him into the hall.After some whispered advice from Mrs.Zhou she followed her slowly into Xifeng's room.
A soft scarlet flowered portiere hung from brass hooks over the door,and the kang below the south window was spread with scarlet rug.Against the south wooden partition on the east were a back-rest and bolster of brocade with chain designs nest to a glossy satin mattress with a golden center.Beside them stood a silver spittoon.(楊憲益、戴乃迭譯)