
        ? 首頁 ? 理論教育 ?《在七十壽辰宴會上的講話》(節(jié)選)


        時間:2023-12-11 理論教育 版權(quán)反饋


        蕭伯納(George Bernard Shaw,1856—1950)愛爾蘭劇作家,是英國現(xiàn)代杰出的現(xiàn)實主義戲劇作家,是世界著名的擅長幽默與諷刺的語言大師。1925年,因其作品具有理想主義和人道主義而獲諾貝爾文學(xué)獎。蕭伯納的一生,是和社會主義運動發(fā)生密切關(guān)系的一生,他認(rèn)真研讀過《資本論》,公開聲言他“是一個普通的無產(chǎn)者”,“一個社會主義者”。然而,由于世界觀上的局限性,他沒能成為無產(chǎn)階級戰(zhàn)士,而終生是一個資產(chǎn)階級改良主義者。本文是蕭伯納于1926年在七十壽辰宴會上的講話。












        We say in criticism of capitalism: Your system has never kept its promises for one single day since it was promulgated. Our production is ridiculous. We are producing eighty horse-power motor cars when many more houses should be built. We are producing most extravagant luxuries while children starve. You have stood production on its head. Instead of beginning with the things the nation needs most, you are beginning at just the opposite end….

        We are opposed to that theory. Socialism, which is perfectly clear and unmistakable, says the thing you have got to take care of is your distribution. We have to begin with that, and private property, if it stands in the way of good distribution, has got to go…

        We say that if distribution goes wrong, everything else goes wrong—religion, morals, government. And we say, therefore (this is the whole meaning of our socialism), we must begin with distribution and take all the necessary steps.

        I think we are keeping it in our minds because our business is to take care of the distribution of wealth in the world: and I tell you, as I have told you before, that I don’t think there are two men, or perhaps one man, in our 47,000,000 who approves of the existing distribution of wealth. I will go even further and say that you will not find a single person in the whole of the civilized world agrees with the existing system of the distributi0n of wealth. It has been reduced to blank absurdity……

        I know now that when I was a young man and took the turning that led me into the labor Party, I took the right turning in every sense.

