
        ? 首頁 ? 百科知識(shí) ?沙城產(chǎn)區(qū)釀酒葡萄品質(zhì)與葡萄酒質(zhì)量的研究


        時(shí)間:2023-02-14 百科知識(shí) 版權(quán)反饋



        作者:艾麗麗  導(dǎo)師:張振文

        西北農(nóng)林科技大學(xué)  葡萄與葡萄酒學(xué)2011屆碩士

        摘 要


        1. 沙城產(chǎn)區(qū)2010年白色釀酒葡萄采收期兩地均集中在9月26日左右,紅色釀酒葡萄赤霞珠、梅鹿輒、西拉、馬瑟蘭采收期小南辛堡集中在9月29日左右,東花園梅鹿輒采收期同小南辛堡一致,其他品種較小南辛堡晚半個(gè)月左右,為10月15日左右。

        2. 成熟果實(shí)含糖量為171~240g/L,含酸量為4.3~9.4 g/L,其中東花園馬瑟蘭表現(xiàn)出高糖(239.2g/L)、高酸(9.4g/L)、小南辛堡白色品種雷司令為低糖(171.9g/L)低酸(5.4)的特性,維歐尼總酸含量也低,4.8 g/L以下。紅色品種單寧含量為2.31~3.72mg/g,總酚含量為2.06~3.35mg/g,總花色素為0.96~2.36mg/g,其中馬瑟蘭單寧、總酚和總花色素的含量(取兩地均值)均明顯高于其他品種,白色品種維歐尼單寧、總酚含量較霞多麗和雷司令高2倍左右,兩地沒有顯著性差異。

        3. 沙城產(chǎn)區(qū)四個(gè)主栽釀酒紅色品種總花色苷含量為10.8~20.8 mg/g,花色苷中二甲花翠素類含量最高,花青素類含量最低。赤霞珠和梅鹿輒乙?;潭茸罡撸骼愣辊;哂谝阴;qR瑟蘭小南辛堡乙?;哂谙愣辊;?,而東花園相反,咖啡酰化在各類葡萄中僅占1.4%以下。紅色品種非花色苷酚類物質(zhì)含量為2450~3690 mg/kg,其中黃酮醇類含量最高,為2100~3200 mg/kg。白色釀酒品種所占比例更高,為83%~95%,但非花色苷酚類物質(zhì)含量較紅色品種低,為890~1490 mg/kg,白色品種中沒有檢測(cè)到芪類和肉桂酸類物質(zhì),黃酮醇類物質(zhì)也相對(duì)較少。東花園西拉非花色苷酚類物質(zhì)含量最高,而小南辛堡梅鹿輒含量最高。

        4. 成熟果實(shí)中共檢測(cè)出54種香氣物質(zhì),紅色釀酒葡萄香氣總量為6243~34596μg/L,白色釀酒葡萄香氣總量為8456~21576 μg/L,各品種中酯類和醛類是葡萄果實(shí)中含量最多的香氣組分,二者占了香氣總量的86.7%~99.2%,其中酯類中乙酸乙酯含量較高,醛類中己醛和(E)-2-己烯醛含量較高。醇類種類較多,但含量較少,僅占了10.1%以下,其中以1-己醇、反-2-己烯-1-醇和苯甲醇含量相對(duì)較高。白色釀酒葡萄中萜烯類物質(zhì)多于紅色釀酒葡萄。小南辛堡梅鹿輒香氣含量最高,赤霞珠次之,而東花園馬瑟蘭香氣含量較低,白色品種霞多麗和雷司令香氣含量較高。

        5. 葡萄酒的花色苷含量為250~500mg/L,兩地均為赤霞珠葡萄酒含量最高,馬瑟蘭葡萄酒次之,小南辛堡梅鹿輒葡萄酒最低。其中二甲花翠素-3-O-葡萄糖苷含量最高,其次是二甲花翠素乙?;咸烟擒?,葡萄酒較葡萄還檢測(cè)到花色苷與其他成分的衍生物,但是含量較少。各類葡萄酒乙?;潭茸罡?,香豆?;沃?,咖啡酰化含量最少。與葡萄相比各類葡萄酒乙?;潭染陆?。干紅葡萄酒非花色苷酚類物質(zhì)含量為120~250mg/L。干白葡萄酒僅為9~12 mg/L,以黃烷-3-醇含量較高。兩地馬瑟蘭葡萄酒含量最高,且東花園極顯著高于小南辛堡,西拉含量最低。

        6. 沙城產(chǎn)區(qū)主產(chǎn)單品種葡萄酒醇類、酯類、酸類構(gòu)成了葡萄酒香氣的主要成分。醇類以異丁醇、異戊醇、苯乙醇含量相對(duì)較高,酯類物質(zhì)中含量最大的是乙酸乙酯,干紅單品種酒香氣總量為170580.7μg/L~599538.3μg/L,干白葡萄酒香氣總量為33796.5μg/L~410200.2 μg/L,另外還檢測(cè)到微量的萜烯類、醛類、酮類等。干紅葡萄酒小南辛堡赤霞珠香氣總量最高,梅鹿輒次之,東花園梅鹿輒葡萄酒香氣最高。西拉葡萄酒兩地均最低。白色單品種酒維歐尼、霞多麗、雷司令葡萄酒間沒有顯著性差異,香氣物質(zhì)總量為維歐尼>霞多麗>雷司令。萜烯類含量,雷司令葡萄酒極顯著高于霞多麗,維歐尼為痕量,其中香葉基丙酮雷司令葡萄酒含量較高。2-己烯酸乙酯、4-甲基-1-戊醇為維歐尼葡萄酒特有,庚酸乙酯、辛酸甲酯為霞多麗葡萄酒特有,1-戊醇、糠醛、苯乙醛為雷司令特有。

        關(guān)鍵詞 沙城產(chǎn)區(qū) 葡萄品質(zhì) 葡萄酒質(zhì)量


        The main red wine grapes and wines of Cabernet Sauvignon、Merlot、Syrah、Marselan and white grapes and wines of Viognier,Chardonnay,Riesling quality were researched in 2010 in Xiaonanxinbu and Donghuayuan town in Shacheng region Hebei province. The analysis of conventional quality index,anthocyanin and nonanthocyanin phenols using HPLC-MS,volatile flavor components using GC-MS were focused on. In order to qualify the quality of origin and provide basis for wine making and development .The main results are as follows:

        1. The best harvest time of white wine grapes is about September 26th.The red grapes in Xiaonanxinbu is about September 29th except Merlot which is the same as Donghuayuan. While Donghuayuan is about October 15th,which is half month later than Xiaonanxinbu.

        2. The reducing sugar of ripe grapes is ranging from 171 g/L to 240g/L and total acid is between 4.3 g/L and 9.4g/L. Marselan in Donghuayuan is with high sugar(239.2g/L) and high acid(9.4g/L).Riesling in Xiaonanxinbu is in low sugar(171.9g/L) and acid(5.4 g/L).The total acid of Viognier is also low (below 4.8 g/L). The content of tannin,total polyphenols and anthocyanin of the main red wine grapes is as follows:2.31mg/g~3.72mg/g,2.06mg/g~ 3.35mg/g,0.96mg/g~2.36mg/g.The content of these index in Marselan is higher than other variety. And the tannin and total polyphenols in Viognier is significantly higher than other white grapes,nearly up to 2 times,and have no significant difference between two towns.

        3. The content of total anthocyanin is between 10.8 and 20.8mg/g. Malvidin-3-O- glucoside and cyanidin-3-O-glucoside is the highest and lowest compound respectively. Acetylation degree of Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot is higher than coumaryl degree and Syrah is on the contrary. Caffeoyl is the lowest. The content of nonanthocyanin phenols of red grapes is between 2450mg/kg and 3690 mg/ kg,gather content of flavonol is the highest about 2100~3200 mg/kg. White grapes’ nonanthocyanin phenols are much lower than red grapes,but the proportion of flavonol is higher than red grapes and hasn’t detected stilbenes and hydroxycinnamic acids. Syrah in Donghuayuan and Merlot in Xiaonanxinbu with the highest content of nonanthocyanin phenols.

        4. 54 type of aroma compounds have been detected in grapes. The total contents of grape aroma is 6243~34596μg/L (red grapes) and 8456~21576 μg/L (white grapes) respectively. Esters and aldehydes are the main aroma compound. The percentage is 86.7%~99.2%.Ethyl acetate is the main ester compound and hexanal and (E)-2-hexene is the main aldehydes compound. The type of alcohols is abundant,but the content is lower. White grapes are rich in the compounds of terpens. Merlot in Xiaonanxinbu has the highest content of aroma compounds,followed by Cabernet Sauvignion. While Marselan in Donghuayuan much lower. White grapes Chardonnay and Riesling are rich in the content of total aroma.

        5. The anthocyanins in red wines is about 250~500mg/L. The total content in Cabernet Sauvignon wine in the two towns is higher than Marselan wine,while merlot wine in Xiaonanxinpu is the lowest. Malvidin-3-O-glucoside occupies the highest component. Followed by malvidin-3-O-(6-O-acetyl)-glucoside. In wines detected much lower content of derivative compounds. Acetylation degree is highest and coucmaryl degree takes the second place. The content of caffeoyl anthocyanins is the lowest. The content of nonanthocyanin phenols of red wines is between 120 and 250mg/L. In white wines only 9mg/L to 12mg/L. The content of flavan-3-ol is the highest. Marselan has the highest content of nonanthocyanin and Donghuayuan is significantly higher than Xiaonanxinbu. Syrah is the lowest.

        6. Alcohols、esters and acids are the main aroma compounds in wines. The percentage of isobutanol,isoamylol and phenethyl alcohol is relatively higher. Ethyl acetate is the main ester compound. The total content of wine aroma compounds is 170580.7μg/L~599538.3μg/L (red wines) and 33796.5μg/L~410200.2μg/L (white wines).Otherwise,trace amount of terpens,aldehydes and ketone were detected. Cabernet Sauvignon in Xiaonanxinbu own highest content of aroma. Merlot takes the second place. While Merlot in Donghuayuan is the highest. Syrah in the two towns is the least. The aroma content of the three white wines has no significant difference. The total content of white wines is Viognier>Chardonnay>Riesling. The terpene of Riesling is significantly higher than Chardonnay. While Viognier is trace. Geranylacetone in Riesling wine is much higher. The peculiar aroma compounds of each white wine are as follows: ethyl 2-hexenoate,4-methyl-1-pentanol (Viognier),ethyl enanthate,methyl octanoate (Chardonnay),1-pentanol,furfural,benzaldehyde (Riesling).

        Key words Shacheng region Grape quality Wine quality

