第三節(jié) 國外排舞競賽規(guī)則范本
國際排舞(Line Dance International)
Competition Rules&Scoring Guidelines
Effective August 2000
Mission Statement
It is the intent of LDI(Line Dance International)to establish an organization in order to provide growth in the development of line dance competition in a fair manner for all competitors and to also provide for an atmosphere that intends to encourage linedancing events that will offer the best of workshops and social linedancing for dancers of all ages and abilities。
The following competition divisions are established and are recognized and sanctioned by the LDI toward invitation to the LDI World Championships.Event directors have the option to offer all or only selected divisions at a competition。
Individual Competitor Divisions&Levels
Males will compete against males and females will compete against females,although both may be on the floor at the same time.Competitors in different age divisions may be on the floor at the same time,but will compete against those within their age division.Dancers who have competed in other formal competitions(primarily sanctioned)must enter the LDI division which corresponds,to their competition experience and placement.
Youth Division:Ages 0 thru 12
Teen Division:Ages 13 thru 19
Bronze:Ages 20 thru 39
Silver Division:Ages 40 thru 54
Gold Division:Ages 55 and above
Beginner Level:Dancers may enter this division and compete until they have placed 1st overall three times in a field of 3 or more competitors.A competitor may voluntarily elect to advance to a higher division but will not be allowed to return to a lower division.No paid instructors,(or instructors who have instructed for 3 months or more)will be admitted to this division.Dancers who have competed in other formal competitions(primarily sanctioned)must NOT enter this division if they have placed 1st overall3 or more times in a similar or higher division in a field of 3 ormore competitors.
Intermediate Level:Dancers may enter and remain within this division until they have placed 1st overall 3 times in a field of 3 ormore competitors.Paid instructors(or instructors who have instructed for 3 months or more)may enter at this level or higher based on their competition experience.Experienced competitors who have earned placements of 1st overall three times within a field of 3 or more competitors in similar or higher divisions of other formal dance competitions(primarily sanctioned)must NOT enter at this level.
Advanced Level:Experienced dancers must dance in this division if they have exceeded the limits for remaining in the Intermediate Division.Experienced competitors who have exceeded the requirements of the Beginner and Intermediate Divisions in other formal dance competitions(primarily sanctioned)must enter this division.Dancers in the Advanced Division who have within the previous 24 months placed 1st overall 3 times in a field of 3 or more competitors will advance to the Masters Division.
Masters Level:Dancers who have won three 1st place overall advanced placements within a field of 3 or more competitors in the past 24 months must dance in this division.
Solo Level:Open to Advanced and Masters level competitors only.Dancers may choose their own music,3 to 5 minutes,however it must be approved by the head judge before competition.Medleys are acceptable.
New Original Choreography:Open to all dancers,choreography is divided into 3 levels,and 2 divisions.Divisions are Country and Non‐country.Levels are:Beginner,Intermediate,and Advanced.The choreographer determines the skill level of the dance.The music determines the division.Beginner&Intermediate dances should have not more than 64 counts.Choreography is judged on originality,variety,continuity,music,step description and difficulty.Choreographer must be present during competition.Music is choreographer’s choice,faded at 3 minutes.Music must be presented to the head judge at the competitor’s meeting for approval prior to the competition.Dance is to be presented in a workshop setting with the choreographer(or person designated by the choreographer)teaching their dance to the judges and other workshop attendees.Beginner and Intermediate workshops are to be 30 minutes in length with Advanced 45 minutes.New Original Choreography entries are restricted to 1 entry per contestant per division and the dance must have been choreographed within the previous 6 months prior to the competition.Choreographer/Instructor is not judged on their ability to teach the dance,the dance itself is the only thing being judged.
Wheelchair:Open to all dancers in wheelchairs.This division is not gender specific and consists of only one level.Wheelchair competitors are to use the same rules as individual competitors except where obvious.(example:footwork is not scored)
Pro‐Am:Open to beginning dancers that have a desire to begin competing.Dancers may only dance twice in this division before moving up.Competitors must have their instructor/coach(hereinafter called“pacer”)dance with the mon the dance floor to help pace them and make them feel more at ease.Pacer may not actively coach while on the floor dancing(however,encouragement is allowed,i.e.,smiling,etc.)and the pacer must dance only vanilla patterns throughout the entire dance.Pacer also must not wear any type of distracting(i.e.,shiny,bright costume)clothing that would distract the judges or the competitor.The idea here is to help beginning competitors feel more comfortable in their first competitions and to encourage more dancers to compete.Pro‐Amcompetitors must follow all rules for Individual competitors.
General Competition Information Individual Competition
Individual dancers have the option of dancing in their respective divisions as categorized by dance experience(Beginning,Intermediate,Advanced,Masters or Solo),except as noted.Individual dancers who voluntarily elect to dance in a higher level and/or division may not return to the lower division in the future.(Exception:If a competitor’s division is not offered,competing and placing 1st through 3rd in a higher division/level does not prevent the dancer from entering their own division at a future competition.)
Competitors must compete at the LDI World Championships in the levels in which they have competed and qualified.If a competitor’s age and/or experience level changes during the competition year,the competitor must compete at the World Championships in the highest age division and/or level in which they have competed and qualified with the following exception:(if a competitor’s division is not offered,competing and placing 1st through 3rd in a higher division/level does not prevent the dancer from entering their own division at a future competition).Divisions/levels are offered at the discretion of the individual event directors,within LDI guidelines.
Individual competitors may enter only in their respective skill level and age division and/or New Original Choreography.
The event director within LDI guidelines will select competition dances and music for all divisions/levels except New Original Choreography and Advanced/Masters Solo.Event Directors must use LDI approved step descriptions.Any type of music is permissible,(exception:in New Original Choreography,music must match division)however,music selected by the contestants must be suitable for family audience and must be approved by the head judge at the competitor’s meeting prior to the competition.Music not pre‐approved will not be used.
Upon receipt of registration,the event director will provide competitors with LDI approved step descriptions for their dances and a copy of the current LDI rules.At the event registration desk,the event director will have copies of the LDI approved competition dance step descriptions and the current LDI rules for contestants registering at the door.Competition music will be pre‐released at the same time that the competition dances are announced.Three dances must be offered for LDI sanctioned individual divisions/levels.
A competitor may dance any or all of the dances offered within a division.However,to be eligible for the division overall award,the competitor must dance all three dances offered in their division.
All individual competition music(except Advanced/Masters Solo)will be faded at 3 minutes.
In the event of a tie,the highest total scores will determine placements in the following order:technique then content.In the event they are still tied,then equal awards will be given.
Event Directors will conduct a competitor’s meeting prior to the competition to answer any questions that the competitors may have regarding rules,music,etc.Judges are required to be present.Competitors are not allowed to discuss the rules,etc.regarding the competition after this meeting until after awards have been presented.
Only LDI approved judges will judge LDI sanctioned competitions.Men and women’s heats may be danced on the competition floor at the same time,but will be judged separately.
Four wall dances will begin with competitors facing away from judges with two wall and one wall dances beginning facing the judges.
To insure the objective stance of the judges,the judging staff is not permitted to answer individual competitors’questions regarding their performance or the competition except as directed by the head judge.Competitors’performances must not be discussed with the judges until after all awards have been presented.
Penalties are given individually by each judge at their own discretion,except where noted.
No contestant may judge at an event in which they are actively competing in any similar division of competition.No contestant may judge and compete the division for which he/she is currently qualified during a given competition year.No judge may serve on the panel of judges actively judging a specific division in which they have a personal relationship with one of the competitors.(Exception:Divisions where there is only one competitor)
No points will be awarded for attire.An attire judge will approve competitor’s attire prior to the competition.
Competitors are cautioned that though no individual attire infractions may be specifically noted,the overall appearance of the competitor could reflect in their showmanship scores.At a minimum,attire should be neat,clean,and in good repair.There will be no points added to showmanship scores for showy costumes such as those made of satin,sequins,liner,etc.The competition emphasis is placed on dancing,not costuming.
Costumes that have inappropriate or vulgar wording or artwork are not allowed.Thong panties are unacceptable.Hosiery is optional.Dance pants are required while wearing skirts or kilts.
Dance Accents
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Event director swill ensur DJ provides an audible countdown for each competition music selection.Judging will begin after the countdown.Movements made with the introduction of the music,but prior to the countdown are not scored.Scoring continues until the last beat of danceable music,(fading music is not considered danceable).The competitor may end the performance with a freeze break as long as it does not exceed the 8 beat limitation.
Competitors must dance the first two patterns(herein after referred to as“vanillas”)of the selected dance according to the LDI approved step description issued for that event.(Exception:certain dances that are 64 counts or more and/or that contain bridges/tags,etc.may only be required to perform 1 vanilla pattern)At no time during the vanillas may the competitor deviate from the foot pattern/position,body orientation,and flow of dance set forth in the LDI approved step description.However,minimal personal styling is permitted to prevent dancers performing the dances in rigid,robot like movements.The minimumpersonal styling in the vanillas may not include interpretive moves with the hands such as additional snaps,claps or poses not specifically included within the original choreography.Failure to add personal styling during these vanillas will not result in lower scores.Only technique is scored during vanillas.
Variations,syncopation’s,freeze breaks,or other individual interpretation should not occur until after the vanillas are completed.Deviations and variations from the original step description during the vanillas shall be scored as technique errors.No Content points may be earned in the vanillas for variations,creativity,use of music,continuity/flow,or recognition.
Following the vanillas,the competitors are encouraged to perform the dance with individual styling and interpretation as long as the“dance remains recognizable”through count and general flow as set forth in the LDI approved step descriptions.Competitors are cautioned to maintain a“recognizable form of the dance”while performing with individual creativity and style.
Use of hands,hat tricks,skirts,and/or vocals may be incorporated to enhance the expression of the dance.Movements selected should fit the dance being performed.The following guidelines apply:
Hands should be positioned in amanner to compliment the dance during all patterns of the dance.After the vanillas are completed,hands and arms may be used to enhance the dancers’interpretation of the dance.
A skirt(if worn)may be held,but not worked,during the vanillas.Skirt working should compliment,not detract from the dance.
Hat tricks may be performed following the vanillas.If wearing a hat,the hat must be worn during the vanillas.
If a hat is used,hat loss will result in the loss of 5 technique points.Hat does not have to be reclaimed.
During the vanillas,only vocals as called for in the LDI approved step description may be used.Following the vanillas,additional vocals,claps,and/or stomps may be performed to enhance individual expression of the dance.
Any dance accents should be properly executed and fit the dance and the dancer;otherwise,the dancer is subject to point loss in the appropriate scoring categories of technique,content,or showmanship.
The use of props is prohibited except in the Advanced Solo/Masters Division.Any article of clothing or other item used during the dance performance,other than the hat for hat tricks and the skirt for skirt work,may be considered a prop.
For safety reasons,acrobatic moves are allowed only in the Advanced/Masters Solo Division.Acrobatic movements are described as at any time when the heels are above the head.(Splits are NOT considered acrobatic movements.)The penalty for said acrobatic moves may incur a loss of 25 points from the technique score from each judge for that particular dance.
Competition Disqualifications
DANCE DISQUALIFICATIONS:Competitors may be disqualified by the head judge for the following reasons:
1)Not entering the floor when assigned to compete.
2)Dance moves or body language deemed by the head judge as overly suggestive and inappropriate for a family atmosphere competition.
3)Profanity on the dance floor.
4)Physical interference with another competitor,which is assessed as purposeful or negligent.
All competitors will be judged on technique,content and showmanship.Alignment,timing,balance,footwork,rhythm,variety,enthusiasm,showmanship,arm/hand movements,symmetry,flow/continuity and use of music are points of consideration by the judges.
The total points possible for Individual,Wheelchair and Pro‐Am competitions are outlined below:(per judge,per dance)
1‐50(grade score)errors tallied for balance,footwork,rhythm,alignment,timing,posture,arm/hands
1‐30(grade score)points considered are variety,difficulty,use of music,continuity/flow,recognition
1‐20(grade score)points considered are poise,attitude,stage presence,floor craft,enthusiasm.
The total points possible for New Original Choreography is outlined below:(per judge)
1‐50(grade score)points considered are for originality,variety,continuity and flow.
1‐15(grade score)points considered are mood of music,and how the dance fits the music.
1‐25(grade score)points considered are ease of understanding,and dance matches the step descriptions.
1‐10(grade score)appropriateness for the division entered.
Scoring Penalties
(As determined by each individual judge,except where noted.)
Use of props in those divisions that are not allowed carry a 25 point penalty per judge per dance in technique.
Contestants in all divisions,will dance until the end of the danceable music(fading music is not considered danceable).One technique point will be tallied for every beat of music when contestant is not dancing with the exception of the 8/12 freeze break allowance.
Skirt working and hat tricks during the vanillas shall be treated as technique errors and tallied accordingly.No Content points for skirt working and hat tricks may be added during the vanillas.
Hat loss will result in the loss of 5 technique points.For all divisions this is a per incident per performer penalty.(Hat does not have to be reclaimed).
Omission and addition of vocals in the vanillas will be tallied as technique errors.
Acrobatic moves other than the Advanced/Masters Solo Division carry a 25 point penalty per judge.
Interference may be called if it is deemed a contestant deliberately interferes with another contestant’s dance space,therefore causing said person to loose their dance as determined by the head judge.Physical contact with another contestant during individual competition may be ruled interference with a resulting point penalty.The injured contestant will not be penalized provided they recover their dance within a reasonable number of beats of music.Amajority of the judges must agree interference occurred in order for a 10 point penalty to be assessed by all judges against the competitor at fault.If the interference was deemed deliberate by the head judge,a disqualification may occur.
Coaches may not actively coach individual competitor(s)while the dancers are performing without risking disqualification of said competitor(s).
Scoring System
LDI’s scoring system will be used to score each competitor.Total number of points scored determines placements.Placements will be awarded through 3rd place.In order for a competitor to receive a first place,they must total at least 65%of the potential points for their division.This will insure that a competitor will still give their best performance even when there is only one competitor in that particular division.